
Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Wedding Feast!!!

God is good. My sister was married Oct. 10th, on the Feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin (I know that sounds incongruous, but Christianity if full of paradoxes like these). I had such a wonderful time visiting with all my family, esp. my nieces and nephews who are growing up so beautifully.

So without further ado, I post some pictures of this beautiful sacrament, held in the replica of the first mission church (St. Williams) built in Round Rock, TX.

Preparation involved hanging out and playing games. My sister made all the fancy bouquets and bows.


Wedding day meant getting dressed up in all our Indian finery!!! My SIL (in the purple and pink sari) dressed and pinned me so that I could run around taking pictures.



Here comes the bride but I couldn't get a good picture. I hope my nephew's wife got one.

Listening to the Word of God. Readings from Song of Songs and the famous reading from St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians ... the litany of love. The deacon gave a wonderful homily on the meaning of holy matrimony and the choir director, a rich baritone, amazed us with his beautiful singing of Psalm 103 and Ave Maria (the wedded couple's first prayer together as they offered flowers to the Blessed Mother).



Oh, how wonderful it is to be a witness and remember our own wedding vows. Then it was off to the reception.




Since I was in Round Rock for a week, it was a wonderful family reunion. We got to worship together and I also had a chance to visit Agape, a crisis pregnancy center, where my sister volunteers. I only wish all the Bodachs could've come but I know Greg and Suman will make a trip to see us when they get a chance. They are a mite busy right now ... planning their honeymoon in Italy!!! 

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Casey, wishing you both a long and happy life together. May you help each other get to heaven! God bless you now and always.


  1. I loved seeing all the pictures and am so glad you got to go be with your family for this special occasion. Your sister did a beautiful job with the flowers!!

  2. I love this post, Vijaya! What a beautiful family--the love you all have for each other jumps off the page!

  3. Precious family. A hearty congratulations!

  4. Congratulations to the entire family! The wedding looks beautiful because everyone is smiling so widely. :)

  5. Congratulations to your sister, and prayers for a blessed marriage!

  6. Thank you for sharing my joy!!!

  7. Lovely pictures - her dress is beautiful; such a unique shade of blue:)

  8. Thank you for being at the wedding and for our time together. You gave us such an amazing gift capturing the moments that will forever be cherished. And thank you all of Vijaya's writing friends for your good wishes.

  9. Wouldn't have missed it for the world, Baby! I love you!

  10. Pleased to know about this wedding feast. Last month, I arranged my best friend’s wedding ceremony at one of exemplary New York wedding venues. Searched on internet and came to know about this venue. Had an excellent party there.
