
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gaudete Sunday! Rejoice!!!

This weekend feels so celebratory! We are still in the Octave of the Immaculate Conception, yesterday was the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe, and today is Gaudete Sunday and the Feast of St. Lucy. The Church is full of joy; our Lord is nearer still!

Max was out most of last weekend helping load up Christmas trees ... and we have one now too! And my home smells heavenly. The kids have midterms this week and I suspect decorating will commence soon. But just having the tree in the house reminds me that it's not important what's beneath the tree (though Dagny has wrapped a present for me with a sprig of rosemary), rather what occurred on a tree ... for this He was born. Born of a woman! O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Here is a wonderful video about the miraculous image of Our Lady of Tepeyac.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day: Facts & Celebration Ideas
copied from Catholic Company:


  1. Happy Gaudete Week! (That should be a thing if it isn't. :)
    I love all the feasts we've had the past week--of course St. Lucy's Day in extra special in our house. And we celebrated on the 12th by making (and, um, consuming unhealthy amounts of) polverones, Mexican Wedding cookies. They seemed liturgically appropriate. :)

  2. A sprig of rosemary sounds wonderful! I fear our dog would try to eat it though. She feels when things are on the floor, they're fair game. And uh, also maybe b/c when I'm cooking and something hits the floor, I call her over. She's like an automatic mini-vacuum! =) Glad you're enjoying the Christmas season thus far!

  3. Faith, I like the way you celebrate!!!

    Leandra, we have the same cooking habits! My dog also pre-cleans all plates before I wash them. Funny thing, she leaves the green stuff alone, so my rosemary is safe.
