
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hoping, Longing and Waiting

I suppose it is fitting that I am hoping and longing and waiting for Harry to disappear completely from my life in a season devoted to hoping, longing and waiting for the Messiah. It's been four weeks since I had my first set of Botox injections and after an initial response that kept pain to manageable levels, now I'm still in severe pain most days. It's very discouraging and I've cried bitterly over how long it taking. However, the pattern has changed a bit.  It's easier to control the pain. I've had a taste of completely pain-free days. Sometimes it's just a day and once even two days in a row. It's such a gift when I wake up without a migraine. And I want more and more of these days. So I continue to hope and pray for complete healing.

I leave you with a beautiful Advent hymn written by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965) and sung to the tune of Besancon: People look East.


  1. Oh, dear Vijaya.
    And-- you call your migraine Harry? Maybe that is why he stays...

  2. I recently started working at an insurance co, and was surprised the first time I saw botox being used for migraines! You never know w/medicine. =) I'm glad it is helping some, and will pray that it continues to work better & better for you!

  3. Mirka, it's easier to have code names for unpleasant things in life. The monthlies are George :)

    Leandra, I have to thank the cosmetic industry for reporting the side effects. Many of the medications I tried (anti-depressant, anti-seizure, beta blockers) are off-label use to prevent migraines. I wish they'd worked for me, but they didn't. Botox is at the end of the line so I appreciate your prayers.

  4. We pray for you every morning during our family prayer, Vijaya. We just need to add a "please rush"!

  5. Many prayers for more pain free days. I love your connection to advent, and hope that helps being you some perspective in these dark waiting says.

  6. I hope Harry will soon be a thing of the past. Hugs.

  7. Vijaya, I've been holed up here, not paying attention. I am so sorry. I've had migraines but never for such a sustained period of time. I will be praying...

  8. Faith, that brings tears to my eyes, knowing your sweet girls are praying for me too. "Please rush" in time for Christmas :)

    Anne, thank you. I know the Lord is teaching me to be patient, look to higher things.

    Barb, hope reigns eternal. Hugs right back to you.

    Joyce, I'm glad you've been holed up, writing a book!!! I miss that focus. Thank you for popping by and remembering me in your prayers.

  9. So sorry you have to go through this, Vijaya. I hope your pain is subsiding and will soon be gone forever.
