The Carmelite retreat center was beautiful. There were
paintings to lift our minds to God, even in the bathrooms. I copied a
couple of sayings:

What you are is
God’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to God. ~ Hans Urs van Balthasar.
I loved this
opening prayer before each meditation.
My Lord and my
God, I firmly believe You are here, that You see me, You hear me. I adore You
with profound reverence. I beg pardon for my sins and the grace to spend the
time in prayer fruitfully. My Immaculate Mother, St. Joseph my father, my Lord,
and my Guardian Angel, intercede for me. Amen.
Meditation on the Samaritan woman in John's Gospel:
We are like her. What is our encounter with Jesus like?
He longs for a deeper relationship. And when we allow this, we are transformed.
The Samaritan woman drops her water pot and announces to everybody that
Jesus is the Messiah. It’s important to
note that Jesus chooses imperfect people to spread His Word. Think about Mary of Magdala.
Another point is
that God puts specific people in our lives, not just random people. We will
have the greatest influence on the people in our immediate circle – our
children, friends, parents. They are all here in this time and place by design.
So be salt and light to them!
On Examination of
Conscience and Mercy:
We belong to God. He made us. He knows us. So have no
fear and anxiety when we go to make our confession.
On the cross,
Jesus is not focused on His humiliation but how we are hurting the Father.
“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!” He cries.
And so, we too
need to forgive those who’ve wronged us. And be quick to ask for pardon as soon
as we realize we’ve done a wrong. “Don’t say, ‘he made me do it!’”
Funny story: A nun hauls in a
boy because he bit another’s finger. “Did you bite his finger?” she asks. “Yes,
sister,” says the boy. The nun is pleased with the boy’s forthrightness. “Why
did you bite the finger?” The boy replies, “He put it in my mouth.”Fri Mass – Homily
Feeding of the
five thousand. It’s an impossible problem, but Jesus tells us what to do (sit
down and distribute the food) and He provides the rest. He far exceeds our
expectations. We must trust in Jesus.
And who is this
Jesus? He is Son of the Living God! In Acts 5:34-42 a Pharisee observes what has happened to previous so-called prophets. He then advises the Sanhedrin, "have nothing to do with these men (the Apostles), and let them go. For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself. But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them; you may even find yourselves fighting against God."
That's enough to chew on for now :) More meditations to come later.
Looks like a beautiful place, Vijaya. I'm glad you got to a retreat to pray and focus on praying. That's something I want to do (not praying, but eating and writing in silence at a retreat) after reading Maxine Hong Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace few years back.
ReplyDeleteSo lovely. I have yet to go on a retreat, except inwardly.
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful, Vijaya. You are "salt and light" to me, my friend!
ReplyDeleteClaudine, I often write during Adoration -- sometimes is a prayer but sometimes it's me asking Jesus to write with me.
ReplyDeleteMirka, I must say that retreating from the normal family responsibilities is extremely rejuvenating. I hope you will have a chance to make a retreat.
Becky, thank you! Hey, we should've taken pictures last weekend.