In AnsweringJihad, Dr. Qureshi answers the common questions he’s asked and the Q&A
format works very well. He begins with the origins of jihad by going to the
source – what Islam is and what the Quran and the life of Mohammad command.
Many politicians are quick to say Islam is a “religion of peace” after the wake
of any Muslim terrorist attacks for fear of retaliation upon the peaceful
Muslim. However, any Muslim serious about his faith has three choices: to
become apathetic, radicalized, or become an apostate. And more and more, many
young Muslim men and women are becoming radicalized.
It is clear from
the many questions answered that a secular humanist society cannot be the
answer to the people who are passionate about their faith. A culture of moral
decadence cannot appeal to a devout Muslim. Only another faith can truly fight
Islam and that is Christianity. Not watered-down Christianity but the one that
Jesus taught – to love even your enemies. Dr. Qureshi says, “This means living
life with people who might be different from us. It means integrating
communities and social circles. It means stepping out of our comfort zone and
loving people unconditionally, perhaps even loving our enemies. And it means
doing this from a place of genuine love, not ulterior motives.” The author
gives examples of the recent Christian martyrs who became a witness to the
This book was
written quickly, in the span of three weeks, shortly after the attack in San
Bernandino, which came on the heels of the one in Paris, but the book is not
only highly readable, but accurate. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Brussels
train station was the site of a suicide bomber. We must ask the question what
to do about Muslim refugees – are they here to stay; will they impose sharia or
will they assimilate? I believe the reason Europe is becoming Islamified is
because Europeans have turned their backs upon their Christian roots. Simple
demographics say that within a couple of generations, Muslims will be the
majority. Can the same happen in the US? I believe so, if we stay on this
insane path to godlessness. Dr. Qureshi proposes a way that upholds both truth
and compassion, but it requires living like a true Christian, which I admit
isn’t always easy.
Do give this book
a read if you are unfamiliar with Islam. If you already have some background,
this book will bring some clarity to the matter. If you really want to dive
deeper into what we are struggling with, read Christianity, Islam and Atheism:the Struggle for the Soul of the West by William Kilpatrick. I reviewed it
briefly here:
A big thank you to
BookLook for providing a review copy of Answering Jihad.