
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Beautiful Picture Books

I’ve been reading a lot of picture books lately and most fall short for repeated readings. Here are some that really stood out for me. I’m happy that I don’t have to read the same book 50 times over! Dagny has started babysitting and she’s discovering how insistent little ones can be about reading the same book over and over again.
Books by Bruce Goldstone  Gosh, I don’t know how I missed these books but I came across him because I think he’s the only other author who has written about combinations of ten (I had originally written TEN EGGS to teach this concept and delighted that it’s an Easter book as well now)! Mr. Goldstone’s combinations-of-ten book is Ten Friends. I’ve been delighted with his other books as well, on Estimations, Patterns, Awesome Autumn and 100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Days. He’s a brilliant photographer and writer and designer. Children could spend hours with just one of his books.

Locomotive by Brian Floca – Caldecott winner. Need I say more? He’s amazing! From the end papers to the text and illustrations. Stunning history of America's railroads. His Racecar Alphabet is brilliant as well. He uses terrific alliteration to tell a story at the races. I love all his work.
Abe Lincoln Loved Animals by Ellen Jackson and Doris Ettlinger – What I love about Ms. Jackson’s writing is how well she can focus on just one aspect while still maintaining the narrative arc of an entire life. She always has the best tidbits too! From pardoning of a turkey that was to be Christmas dinner, to feeding the family cat with a gold fork, to rescuing baby birds (and ruining a good suit). The illustrations are gorgeous too! Highly recommended for children of all ages (and adults too!). Check out her other books too – she’s a prolific writer.
Dear Max by D. J. Lucas (aka Sally Grindley) and Tony Ross – This isn’t a picture book but I have a fondness for letter-writing and enjoy books written in this format. Through letters to his favorite author, we learn about Max’s family life, the struggles in school, and his wonderful imagination (and his sketches). Through DJ’s letters we learn about the joys and struggles of an author’s life as well as some advice on how to write a story!
God or Nothing: A Conversation on Faith with Nicholas Diat by Robert Cardinal Sarah is such a beautiful book. I am learning so much about the faith from these conversations. The love he has for those first missionary priests is palpable. They sowed the seeds of faith and look how far this son of Africa has gone! He never would have imagined going even to the capital of Guinea, let alone Rome! The sacrifices this humble man has made for his people are not spelled out, but in between the lines, I get a glimpse of what he has endured. I wonder if he will be our next pope! One can hope. I want someone to write a picture book about him. Pretty please?

Happy Reading Folks! And if you might feel a bit guilty, just call it research :) 


  1. These sound great! Picture books that can be read 50 times without loss of enjoyment are worth their weight in gold! :)

  2. Beautiful indeed. Picture books are where I get my "art-fix" these days, not so much in the modern art scene.

  3. Faith, it's the true test!
    Mirka, me too! I dream of having a PB illustrated by Bagram Ibatouilline.

  4. I love LOCOMOTIVE! Like Mirka, PBs are where I get most of my art fix. It's funny, once I brought my toddler niece to the library (she knew her ABC but hadn't learned to read yet), and she kept picking books from the MG section and gibberish-reading them while I kept picking books from the PB section and mutter-reading them.

  5. Claudine, I just bought another PB. My daughter thinks I'm nuts now :)
