
Saturday, May 28, 2016

School's OUT

My kids have been home since May 19th; they just had the math exams to take this past week so were happy to have all these days off. Truly, doing well in school pays! We were a bit too relaxed though. I got a call Wed. at 8:15 am (I'd been awake a mere 15 minutes) that the teacher was going to mark Dagny absent for her final. And possibly a zero too. Oy! I wonder whether this is a family trait. When I was in college I missed my biology exam because I was in one of the practice rooms in the music department playing the piano and lost track of time -- 2 hrs felt like 20 min. I got lucky with my professor. I told him the truth and he believed me. He allowed me to take the exam in his office even though the answers had been posted.

Dagny also got lucky. She was already awake, so she got dressed in a hurry (no breakfast) and I drove her to school. We're only half a mile away so she was able to go in to take her exam by 8:40. She returned home happy and hungry. I doubt she'll make this mistake again. She'll check and double check to make sure she has the time right for exams.

There is such a lightness in our days now, with both school and sports over. We've been sleeping in, reading, watching movies, playing with the pets and eating a lot of fruit. I really hope this summer we can de-clutter our home a little; give away the books and things we've outgrown, tidy up the attic and garage. If we've not used something in a couple of years, it might as well go.

It's a rainy weekend with a tropical storm but the kids are home from the farmer's market. Michael cooked up a big batch of pulled pork so it's a relaxing weekend. I'm sure by next weekend the kids will be itching to do something.


  1. I always told my kids it's all right to make mistakes if they learn from them. Missing a final they can easily do well on is one of those things... But missing it for playing the piano too fervently beat the over-sleeping story. I'll have to pass that one on to DD.

  2. Glad you are only getting a tropical storm and not the crazy thunderstorm flood we received this week. Dagny is beautiful! I'm glad her teacher was merciful.

  3. Lucky you and your daughter! (But I suppose teachers will trust those who've always been consistently paying attention in class to know they hadn't been fooling around when they missed the exams.) Have a great break, everyone, and enjoy the new space after the decluttering!

  4. Yeah, it's easy to get too relaxed! M and I were so relaxed on Saturday morning, that we both forgot he had an appointment at noon. We didn't remember in time for him to have breakfast... :-( Glad that your daughter's teacher let her off easily!

    Don't be too eager to give away books, a lesson I learned from experience when we moved from a house to a condo. (I've since rebought several of them.)

  5. Surenna has been back from college for two or three weeks, but her sisters still have three weeks to go. I feel for the two still slogging away, I remember getting out of school pretty much right after Memorial Day. They only had a couple of snow days this year, so this is normal scheduling--it was worse last year.

  6. Mirka, my stomach was roiling when I realized I'd missed my final but as Claudine says, knowing the teacher makes a difference. I was at the top of my class. A couple of years later, when my mother died, I took a week off from school to attend to funeral arrangements, family flying in, etc. and didn't take the Jazz exam and when I told the teacher that my mother had died, he said, yes, and next time it will be your grandmother. I took the matter to the Dean of the dept. and I was allowed to take the exam later. After all, half of the music faculty sang in our church choir.

    Molly, Texas has had it bad last year and this year.

    Barb, I know, I know. We gave away over a third of our home library when we moved to SC and I've had to rebuy some books. I'll be better this time. We have books stacked everywhere it seems. I'd like some order to that mess.

    David, I always thought it unfair that the college kids got off early (that's because my sister was in college while I was still in HS). One year, we had school until the end of June because of make-up days. It was ridiculous. Everybody is already checked out in May, it seems. Enjoy this time together. I'm so glad Surenna is close enough to drop by even in the school year.

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