
Monday, June 13, 2016

Boys State

Meet your future politicians! Max had the wonderful opportunity to go to Boys State. He had a fantastic time getting hands-on experience in how our government works. Since he is interested in many aspects, I don't think he got much sleep, writing speeches late at night, politicking during the day. He was so proud to let us know that he won his party's nomination for Mayor but lost to the opposing party by one vote.

He was on several committees to decide on party platform, policies and such. There were 1,100 boys, all rising seniors, the best from the state. I was quite impressed to discover that a SC student has won the American Legion scholarship the past 8 out of 10 years. Max applied as well. He was scrambling at the last minute to get signatures and things and it was a good lesson in not procrastinating. Of course, he didn't learn about this until a week prior, so it's another lesson to learn. When I was his age, I didn't even know about this. Neither did my husband. This is precisely why we feel he needs a solid, traditional Catholic liberal arts background. Nothing like learning from the giants of philosophy. 

ETA: I just read a wonderful article that I want to remember: Virtue before Leadership.


  1. I think the campaign for Max started right here!
    I, too, vote for a liberal arts basic education with a background in philosophy and history and world literature. I'm all for my elected officials knowing a whole lot more than I do, though, sadly, this is often not the case.
    Go Max!

  2. So much fun!
    Is Max interested in a career in politics? Funny, I wouldn't wish that sacrifice on anyone, yet I pray every day for good people courageous enough to take it up!

  3. This looks like a great experience for your son! My elder son is really interested in politics as well. I agree with Faith--we need more courageous people, who are not afraid to take strong stands in politics.

  4. I pray daily for just leaders to rise up. Yay for Max! He has my vote!

  5. Very cool! Looks like an amazing opportunity.

  6. Mirka, thanks, and yes, I want politicians to know more about this stuff than me.

    Faith, yes, right now history and politics have complete hold over him. I always feel that good Catholics need to be present in all spheres.

    Jenni, how wonderful that you also have a son interested in politics. Definitely check out Boys State for him when he is a rising senior, but I think this program is good for anybody looking to be a good citizen.

    Molly, me too.

    Katie, it certainly is.
