We went to Bob
Jones University first to enjoy their amazing collection of Catholic art. They
have so many altar-pieces and paintings they collected as America and Europe
were discarding these for a plainer look. I’m not sure why people would choose
to dismantle such beautiful things because the great beauty of the churches
points to heavenly things. But that’s a topic for another day. If you are ever
in Greenville, SC, take the time to visit the museum at Bob Jones Univ. I could spend days there. I am
thankful they have preserved all this art. I would’ve enjoyed having a book
with all their art, instead I splurged on a little calligraphy book. My friend
Colleen did beautiful calligraphy and taught me the basics but how I long to do
much more. I am grateful to have a bit of my calligraphy published in a book (I
can’t say any more, so don’t ask … it’s hard keeping secrets).
Fr. Casey said
this is the tragedy of our times. God is being driven out of the public life,
schools, courts, hospitals, etc. The separation of Church and State was never
meant to separate God from life. When God is driven out, all hell breaks out:
loss of faith, breakdown of family, immoral laws, and the culture of death. He
quoted the prophet Hosea 8:7 “For they
shall sow wind, and reap a whirlwind.”
He exhorted us to
not wring our hands and say, “There is nothing we can do.” We can pray, go to
Mass, Adoration. We can sacrifice. Catholics, 68 million of them, can make a
difference if we live our faith. He said, “If this conference brings only
person closer to Christ, it is of infinite value.” And so I say, if sharing my
notes brings one only person closer to Christ, it is of infinite value. Thank
you for reading.
Fr. Casey gave
another interesting lecture, and this time I wrote the quotes from St. Faustina's diary :)
Prayer of St.
Faustina. Jesus, I trust in You.
He told her: Those
who venerate the image will not perish.
You will prepare
the world for My second coming.
I will come first
with mercy before I come as a judge.
Souls have time
for everything except Me.
If they run away
from my merciful heart, they will see my justice.
AD 2017 is a
significant year for the Church and the world. Oct. 2017 will be the 100th
anniversary of the final apparition at Fatima, the 100th anniversary
of Red October, and the 500th anniversary of the Protestant schism.
There is no such thing as coincidence when it comes to Divine Providence.
Pope Leo XIII had
a vision at Mass where the devil asked for a 100 years to destroy the Church.
God gave him free reign. Reminds me of the Book of Job. So when did these 100
years begin? Nobody knows. But some people think it might be Oct. 1917.
Regardless, the devil is raging. The whirlwind is here. We must keep our souls
in a state of grace. God’s mercy is our only hope. And we have Christ’s promise
that not even the gates of hell will prevail against the Church.
Christians are
once again the most persecuted minority in the world. It is an age of apostasy.
You must choose between the Church and the anti-Church; the Gospel and the
anti-Gospel. Eschatology is the study of the end times. People mistakenly
believe that the Church will rise. But the Catechism says the Church will
So enter through
the door of mercy otherwise pass through the one for judgement. Be in God’s
grace. We don’t know the hour of our death. There is no contradiction between
God’s mercy and His justice. God’s love is unconditional. But God’s mercy is
conditional – it requires our repentance. We must cooperate with Him.
St. Colombiere was
the spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary to whom the Sacred Heart was
revealed. “Behold the Heart Who has loved so much and so little loved in
St. Faustina knew a
nun who suffered from scrupulosity. Jesus told her: Tell her that her lack of
trust wounds My Heart far more than her sins.
The source of our
peace is assurance that God’s love is real. Get over your sin. Your sin isn’t
bigger than God’s mercy. However, if you die in a state of mortal sin,
unrepentant, you will go to hell. Padre Pio said, "you'll believe in hell when you get there." That’s not God’s will for anybody. The remedy
is confession. This sacrament renews you. Christ works in your soul.
“Immerse yourself
in My mercy. My mercy is greater than your sins and that of the whole world.”
God did not have
to create us, redeem us. It’s totally gratuitous, merciful. God could’ve cast
us off, left us to our sins. But His Love would not allow it. God came to
earth. He could’ve redeemed us in any way possible, with a snap of His fingers,
a drop of His Precious Blood. But Jesus redeems us through obedience and
suffering. Why the Cross? Why the Blood? Because suffering -- passion -- is the ultimate test
of true love.
And He is with us
even now in the Holy Eucharist.
Go to confession.
Pray. Meditate upon the Face of Divine Mercy.

We had the opportunity to venerate the relics of St. Faustina and St. Padre Pio. Print out the black-and-white picture. Stare a the four vertical dots for about a minute (they said 30 seconds is enough but it took me four tries and 3 Hail Marys to get it). Then close your eyes while turning your face towards a light source. Do you see something amazing? Let me know.
I think this is going to be a 3-parter. Bear with me :)
"...Do you want the plain one or one with the little man"-- Can't imagine this in NYC. Really.
ReplyDeleteYou kids took care of their kitty-kids well. :)
I see Jesus in the black and white pic. Took me about 15 seconds of staring at it.
ReplyDeleteI see Jesus in the black and white pic. Took me about 15 seconds of staring at it.
ReplyDeleteMirka, unbelievable but true. And yes, the kids did great.
ReplyDeleteSuman, you got it. Pretty amazing!