
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sisters are the Best

My sister and her husband came for a weekend visit. What fun!!! She hadn't seen my kids in over 5 yrs and they've grown quite a bit. They enjoyed the Lowcountry and have promised to come for a longer visit the next time.

We walked through the Holy Door of Mercy at St. John the Baptist Cathedral downtown and then enjoyed a long stroll, stopping at art galleries and sampling the local wares. Pecan pralines are the best. 






We had good food to eat and as promised my sister helped to eat the fresh clementines :) She's taken some seeds to plant in her own garden.


And the visit ended perfectly with Sunday eve Mass at our beloved Stella Maris. Come back soon!!!


  1. Seeing the photograph of Max next to his auntie, I'd say "grown by a bit" is the understatement of the week. Lovely!

  2. Sister visits are the best!! So glad you got to enjoy your time together, and I hope you were feeling all right through the visit!
    Those stained glass windows are incredible! Do you happen to know the artist/workshop? (Sorry, random obsession of mine... ;)

  3. Mirka, I should've edited that, but will leave it as is ...

    Faith, my sister gave me a wonderful healing head massage the night she arrived and Harry left for the weekend. A gift.

    The stained glass windows are beautiful. I could spend hours here gazing at them. I don't know the artist but here's what I found: Architect is Patrick Keely and the stained glass by Franz Mayer & Co.

  4. How fun. Pecan pralines are awesome. Gorgeous pictures too.
