
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Blessings

Adoration of the Shepherds by Ludovico Cardi, 1599 AD
I will never forget our first Midnight Mass at St. Jude's -- snowy outside, candlelight inside, a cantor singing O Holy Night. The children were sleepy but excited to be woken up to go to Christ's Mass. And here at Stella Maris, we always celebrate with a High Mass. Our Advent is spent in preparation for this most Holy Hour.
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment
 in which the Son of God was born
 of the most pure Virgin Mary,
 at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold.
In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee,
O my God,
 to hear my prayers and grant my desires,
through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ,
and of His blessed Mother.
Here's a beautiful reflection from Dom Prosper on the Midnight Mass. And I leave you with Byrd's Gloria!

Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.  


  1. Glorious, merry, and holy Christmas to you and your family, Vijaya.

  2. Thank you Mirka. A blessed Hannukah to you and yours!
