
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Easter Holidays and Prom 2017

Image may contain: flower and foodImage may contain: flower and plant

We've had a lovely Easter holiday. I think it's the first time we stayed home since we moved to SC and it was wonderful to catch up on household things. We'll have a garden this summer! Michael has built a fence to keep the critters out. We spent our days out in the yard or reading on the porch and our evenings watching movies. Prom was scheduled for Easter Friday.

Since neither Michael or I ever went to any high school dances, we've been pleased to see how much more socially adept our children are :) I like that Max, Dagny, and Alejandra have been friends since we began carpooling to go to Divine Redeemer Catholic School. It is a wonderful little school in Hanahan and I am surprised more people don't know about it. The faculty and staff sacrifice much of their time and energy to give the children a safe place to grow and learn. It always felt like an extension of home.

Here they are after a year of carpooling. They enjoyed trick-or-treating together. What's funny is how often we'd have just the girls and people assumed they were sisters. They very well could be ... only time will tell.

Here are the lovely prom pictures, taken by Dagny and Juanita Bustamante, Alejandra's very talented cousin. We had a such a lovely evening with her and Marcela (Ale's mother) and the kids were very patient with us as we took pictures. I know the mosquitoes were busy biting.
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing


 Image may contain: 1 person

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature 


  1. Look at the beautiful young'uns! Prom season I remember it well... Never had one myself, (no such thing in the Israel I grew up in) but my kiddos both went, and in style. I should remember because it was only three and five years ago. But it seems longer.

  2. Isn't it lovely to remember? But time really does seem to go faster as the kids get older.

  3. Gorgeous photographs, hope they had a wonderful time!

  4. Thank you. They had a wonderful time; they went to the beach after prom.
