
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Family Fun

My side of the family is scattered far and wide, though at several times my brother and sister have lived in the same area. I was always so jealous because they'd get together frequently. For nearly a dozen years we enjoyed living within driving distance to Michael's parents and siblings and it was so lovely to grow closer together. I always appreciated the time and effort my in-laws took to visit us at least once a month, if not more. And since we've moved away to SC, we've still managed to visit them, thanks to their generosity.

My parents have lived the academic life, full of students and colleagues, with trips to deliver papers all over the world. They'd come to visit us or we'd visit them, but it was typical to let 5+ years go by, which most people think is terrible. However, we were a fractured family from my childhood, so absence was the norm, rather than the exception. It is rather sad we have so few shared memories. But it is what it is, and perhaps even a part of the reason for having a writing life, for we all are a family of letter writers. We express ourselves best through letters. By chance I came across a box of letters and this envelope with a letter and some pictures from our time in Belgium was right on top. It brought back memories of our happy time visiting with both sets of parents. I am very, very thankful to be able to spend several days with my parents after the Catholic Writing Conference. And I hope we won't let another 5 yrs pass by before making a visit. I am determined to make this happen again next year. Wish me luck! I must sell a book or two :)

My father is no longer hale and hearty as he used to be. He had a bad fall two years ago; he broke his femur, so now has a metallic half-hip. He lives in a lot of pain but remains cheerful, taking pleasure in all the small things life has to offer. My parents have established a routine that allows them to have interaction with people and given that they are both professors, enjoy sharing their wisdom with young people. I was so heartened to see how kind people are everywhere they went, at the grocery store, restaurant, library.

Here are some scenes. I must admit that my father reminded me very much of Ove from the book and movie, A Man Called Ove :)  Also, any time I visit a new library, I check to see whether my books are available and here, they carried the Spanish translations of my Capstone books too!!! Fun to see them. And isn't it funny that my step-mother could be my biological mother? We have the same curly hair and round faces. I love her. She makes wonderful Mexican and Indian food and dotes on my dad. I finally got to share Ten Easter Eggs with them!  



  1. Love this peek into your life and times. Life often is what is. I'm glad you had some up the road family times in WA. I'm glad you back there every once in a while. M.

  2. Molly, I'm grateful for the chance to have visits with my family and friends, even if I wish for longer and more frequent visits.
