I have yet to meet Katie Kennedy in person but I can't wait until our paths cross in a corn-field or at a writing retreat. It's been great getting to know her behind the curtain on the SCBWI Message Board where we both serve as moderators and where she brings a lot of levity to even serious topics. A professor of history, she's also the author of WHAT GOES UP as well as LEARNING TO SWEAR IN AMERICA (a title I will steal someday because it's true :), both action-packed stories of smart kids who save the world. Please join me with a cup of tea for a chat with Katie.
Katie, I loved WHAT GOES UP, your sophomore
novel. And I must say you bested yourself. Way to go! I can’t wait to see what
you come up with next.
Thank you!
What I don’t know is how you managed to write such
a fast-paced book with some weighty subjects like parallel universes and
extra-dimensions along with many philosophical implications in just a little
over 300 pages!
I’ve always been fascinated by
ethical issues, so including trolleyology in WHAT GOES UP was natural for me.
My first book, LEARNING TO SWEAR IN AMERICA, was sparked by an Immanuel Kant
quotation: Do what is right, though the
world should perish. I thought, What if it really would perish? So I tend
to include a little philosophy in with the sci fi hijinks, because that’s what
catches my own imagination.
These are the questions that matter
and it makes your books that much richer. For readers who don’t know what
trolleyology is, here’s a video showing a toddler solving this moral dilemma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N_RZJUAQY4. There are variations, like throwing a fat man off a bridge to stop the trolley. But I was really impressed with how you solved the problem, Katie.
There’s a LOT of action in your books. I’d love
some tips for writing believable action scenes.
One thing to remember is that
people don’t have long conversations while they’re falling out a window. The
character’s focus will be pretty sharply on the action.
Got it!
It helps to have cooperative
children, too. When I was doing revisions for LTSIA I knocked on our son’s
Me: Got a minute?
Him: What for?
Me: I want to dangle you off a bridge.
Him: Yeah, okay.
When I was revising WGU we had
the same conversation, only with me asking to throw him down a staircase. I’m a
little concerned at how readily he agreed.
Laughing. You do have cooperative children!
Of course I didn’t really do
those things, but it did help to have him hang off our staircase railing—with
his feet a couple of inches off the floor—so I could see if Dovie really could
haul Yuri off the bridge the way I said, or for WGU, if the staircase tumble
scene would work. In both cases I changed something slightly, because it turns
out the human arm isn’t long enough for what I had written. Stupid arms.
You always make me laugh, Katie. Did you have the
most fun making up the competition? I loved Schroedinger's Scorpion!!! Pure genius.
I sure did! I thought about
what would be fun and I always enjoy reading about tests or trials, so I
thought I’d write some. It was a blast! I came up with more tests than I could
use in about an hour—the brainstorming was a breeze.
So now you have some challenges for future
Your characters came alive for me from the
beginning. I loved that you didn’t make Rosa act like a guy. I get so tired of
the trope with smart girls relegated to acting like boys. Not only is she
pretty and feminine and has a purse that she carries to the parallel universe,
she even bleeds like a regular girl. Please tell me how she developed for you.
Sometimes characters just
present themselves to you, but Rosa wasn’t one of them. So I sat down to try to
figure her out, got frustrated, but pressed on, spending hours going through
character-development worksheets, and…no, I’m just kidding. I got on Facebook.
And a friend had just posted a
photo of her daughter as a bridesmaid, walking with the bride in a garden after
the service. They had their heads together and were looking down, laughing—it
was such a sweet moment, and it was all magazine-level beautiful. I looked at
my friend’s daughter and thought, That’s Rosa! I made her shorter, but it was
that photo that gave me the starting point for the character. Some of Rosa’s
femininity may spring from that—because they were wearing gorgeous dresses and
carrying flowers, and that may have spilled over into her character.
Lovely story! Next is Eddie with Daddy issues. I didn’t expect
the twists and turns you took with him, but everywhere you took me, it felt
right. Did you know from the start the complications with his Dad? Or did you
make it up as you went along?
Eddie is one of those
characters who came to me pretty much in his entirety right from the beginning.
Once I realized his name was Eddie, I knew almost everything about him—and his
father was a big part of that.
That is fascinating, how he came fully formed to
you, whereas Rosa needed some work. They’re both extremely believable and such
a joy to spend time with.
With November right around the corner, I must ask if you are a pantser or a plotter, and if you have any
tips for Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month--the goal being to write a 50K novel in the month of Nov.)?
I’m a hybrid. I need to have
the hook—what’s it about?—and some idea of the midpoint, the end, and what I
like about it. I just spent two days of really hard work outlining a book in
more detail than usual, and when I looked at the outline it had all the
elements—character arcs, stakes, etc. But it didn’t look fun, so I scrapped it and came up with another idea. I don’t have
it outlined as well—and I know I’ll hate myself when I hit the spot I always
have in my outlines where it says, “Write something interesting for a hundred
pages,”—but I’m excited about writing this one.
I guess my advice for Nanowrimo
is to remember your goal. The word count is a task, but the goal is to come up
with a first draft. If you know a scene isn’t working or you have to spend a
day rethinking something, it’s okay to go backward a little if it brings you
closer to the goal. It’s like taking a coat off a hook—sometimes you can’t get
it down until it’s gone up a little.
Good distinctions. I love the stage when everything is possible. But hate when the middle sags and I'm easily distracted by every shiny new idea.
How long does it take for you to write a
first draft? Revisions?
It takes four or
five months for a draft for me. Revisions depend a lot on what is being
requested, but it's usually fairly fast because there are people waiting. One
thing I find very helpful is not to read the editor's letter on my phone or at
work even though the suspense is deadly. I wait till I'm home, and alone, and
get a clipboard and lots of clean paper and as I read her letter I write down
absolutely everything that occurs to me. Dancing kangaroos? I write it down.
There's something about that first burst of creativity when you get a revision
letter that's incredibly fruitful. I looked back at my tangle of clipboard
notes after I'd revised LTSIA--and she had me add ten thousand words--and every
single change of any size came in that first spurt of imagination.
Great advice to not squander the creativity that comes
with the editorial letter. Dancing kangaroos?!
Your father is a storyteller too. How about your
children? Do you ever brainstorm with them? I wonder what your family
gatherings are like. Yeah, Dad is a very gifted oral storyteller and our family gatherings are full of stories. As for the kids, one is talkative and the other is quiet, but they both have a sly wit and are tremendously funny.
Aha! So humor runs in your family too. It is a
great gift, my friend. And someday I hope you write a memoir of all your adventures.
I never brainstormed with
anyone until the book I just wrote (the one after WHAT GOES UP)—I’m very
secretive about my ideas, not because I don’t trust people, but just because I
need to protect my creative space. But something wasn’t working and I was
frustrated and ran into both kids in the kitchen as we converged for a late
night snack. So I unloaded on them and they fired off ideas faster than I could
write them down, and I realized they have an incredible understanding of story
structure. I’ve been missing out by not asking for their advice before. Now
part of my process will be to bake more pies so I can lure them into the
kitchen for brainstorming sessions.
That sounds so good. Now you'll have all the neighbors coming over too. I agree
with you about keeping works-in-progress, especially in the early stages, close
to your heart, not talk it away. There's a delicious tension in carrying about an idea in secret, playing what if with it.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
I have a scene with an
inflatable snake, and that was adapted from my own life. When I was in grad
school I shared a house with a bunch of other students. A couple of the
engineers got an extremely realistic inflatable snake and calculated its
volume, how the temperature of my refrigerator would change its pressure, etc.
Then they inflated it to the correct poundage, crammed it in my refrigerator,
and studied in the dining room until I walked in and opened my refrigerator
door. This lifelike cobra sprang out at me and oh, there was screaming.
Laughing!!! That's a great scene.
Think twice before you live
with an engineer.
Too late for me. Who knows what's lurking in the attic?
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this
Katie. What’s next on the horizon?
I just finished one YA (young adult novel) and am
starting another, revising a MG (middle grade), have a NF (nonfiction) proposal out, and am working on a
secret book.
Boy, you are fast!!! And I love secret books!!! Any
chance one of these is a historical? I’m always a little bit surprised you
don’t have one out already, given your amazing background in history. Which
brings me to another question—are you pegged as a sci fi writer? Does your
editor only want those kinds of stories or would she look at something
completely different?
The nonfiction
proposal is historical and the MG I'm revising has a medieval setting, but I do
think people expect something sciency from my novels--if not space, at least
something STEM-related (science/technology/engineering/medicine). I have a fantasy outlined and ready to go if that ever
seems like a viable project.
Ah yes, the power of the brand. I hope ALL your
projects find good homes and faithful readers. Good luck!!! And thank you for sharing so much here. To learn more, visit Katie at http://www.katiekennedybooks.com/home.html

This is the most fun interview I've read in ages, but with Katie Kennedy as the interviewee, what else did I expect? Thanks, Vijaya and Katie. I love both of Katie's books and can't wait to see what her next will be.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview! I knew Katie was funny; but Vijaya, you are, too! Thanks to both of you.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading lots more Katie Kennedy books. They're hilarious, action-packed, yet make you think.
A terrific interview! But having met Katie in real life, I'm not surprised. Such a great sense of humor. Thanks to both of you, Vijaya and Katie, for doing this. I really enjoyed all the extra inside views of your creation process for your books, Katie, and I definitely look forward to reading whatever you come up with next.
ReplyDeleteI always thought I was a Plotter. But reading Katie's reply I realize I, too, and a Hybrid, and in much the same way as she described her process. She is such a talented writer and her books are a DELIGHT to read.
ReplyDeleteThank you, ladies. This was such fun.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!