
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

The Magi won't reach this scene until Epiphany
(look closely at the picture of the Altar :)
I love that we celebrate Christmas for a full week and that the 8th day falls on Jan. 1st and when we celebrate the circumcision of our Lord, His Holy Name--Jesus--which means God saves, and Mary. As our priest pointed out, the solemnity of Mary has been in the opening prayer all along. I also love that there's a plenary indulgence for reciting Veni Creator Spiritus. So please sing along!

So thankful for all the blessings in 2017. Praise God!

I pray you all have a happy and healthful, blessed and beautiful New Year. My word and goal this year are one and the same: WRITE (with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit).