
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lenten Thoughts

We're two weeks into Lent. I just loved the Gradual for last Sunday. Not sure if you can read it: Ps. 24, 17, 18. Relieve the troubles of my heart and bring me out of my distress, O Lord. Put an end to my affliction and my suffering, and take away my sin. I kept praying this over and over all day Sunday. And although I'd resolved not to whine about the migraines during Lent, I could not bear the pain nor the discouragement, so failed in my resolve. A wise friend reminded me that we don't get to choose our Lent. I'm so grateful for all who pray for me and listen to me patiently. God hears our prayers and even says Yes when He wills! Praise Him! Every Mass is a healing Mass. I am so conscious of the Divine Physician--His molecules becoming part of my body. Monday morning I knew I'd turn a corner. Today, a glorious spring day that melted away the pain and sorrow of the past 15 days. I was also happy to meet my Feb. deadlines!

Monday was also Max's birthday. It's strange not having him home to celebrate. But I wrote a meditation and it's a gift. I don't know whether he's had a chance to read it, but I hope he does. This year I purposely chose to write the Daily Gospel Reflection for dates having some meaning for me--the kids' birthdays and our acceptance into the Church. I find it amazing that even when I've chosen random dates, the Holy Spirit always leads me to choose what I need to learn the most.

Anyway, I'm going to attempt another round at detoxing from the painkillers. I never take the same thing more than two days in a row but it's ridiculous when you take something every single day, even if it's just an aspirin. It's not normal. It's frustrating when all the things you try work for a while and then stop. I bought a TENS unit (read the 2nd review--it's hilarious) but my hair was getting in the way so had it cut short. Not thrilled with it, but it's Lent and I can give up vanity too.

I hope those of you who are celebrating Lent are finding yourself growing closer to Jesus. And if you've failed at your Lenten resolutions, begin again and again. Tomorrow's a new day!


  1. I wish you a speedy recovery and many Lenten blessings.

  2. I remember the first time I was not with DD on her birthday. It felt unreal, we who were there and so vividly remember the original.
    I wish you relief and healing and mercy in this holy time.

  3. Thank you, Johnell. Already I discovered that two of the deadlines are in mid-March.

    Mirka, so true about our vivid memories. And thanking God for His tender mercies. And Happy Purim.

  4. Praying that the detox will be successful and that the pain will lessen again!
    Happy birthday to Max! It must be so weird not having him there to celebrate... but wonderful to see what a great man he's becoming.
