
Monday, May 7, 2018

May Memories

Newborn Dagny
I love May, the month of Mary and the month of this little munchkin, who is 17 years old. My dear Dagny, you were a delight from before you were born. I loved carrying you and was impatient to meet you, especially the last three months when strangers would ask me if I was having twins and I had to assure them that there was only one of you! You tipped the scales at almost ten pounds when you were born!!! Everybody admired you and wanted to pet your hair. They'd never seen babies with such a full head. I was happiest when you were in my arms. Alas, the first couple of weeks were difficult--you had to stay in the incubator as much as possible. I only nursed you half the time. The other half, Daddy fed you. We'd been through this with Max so I knew to fight for you to get you on the bili-lights as soon as possible. You came home with a fantastic tan! And we held you and gazed upon you as much as we wanted.

Cool shades!
I'm so glad Max is here to celebrate with us. He's the best big brother a girl could ask for. My only regret is that you never got a chance to be a big sister. You'd have been wonderful. Raising you two has been the greatest joy of our lives, even through the difficult times. I know God has great plans for you and I'm waiting patiently to see how beautifully your life is going to unfold. May our blessed Lord Jesus bless you abundantly, remain with you always, and grant you all the desires of your heart. Ask and you shall receive so that your joy may be full. ~ John 16:23
And here's my Gospel reflection for today, written with you in mind:  I love you more than words can say, Mom.

You are 2 wks old, Max 2 yrs
17 and 19 yrs old


  1. You know what popped into my head as i read this post?

    "You must have been a beautiful baby
    You must have been a wonderful child
    When you were only starting to go to kindergarten
    I bet you drove the little boys wild
    And when it came to winning blue ribbons
    You must have shown the other kids how
    I can see the judges' eyes as they handed you the prize
    I bet you made the cutest bow
    Oh you must've been a beautiful baby
    'Cause baby look at you now
    Does your mother realize
    The stork delivered quite a prize
    The day he left you on the family tree?
    Does your dad appreciate
    That you're merely super great
    The miracle of any century?"

    And now the jaunty tune won't leave... Enjoy your beautiful baby for very shortly she'll fly.

  2. Oh Mirka, that is just perfect! Thank you.

  3. Happy birthday to her! Wonderful photos of a beautiful family. Ha, she'll be off to university before you know it.

  4. Oh, my, I would want to pet that hair, too! She really was as gorgeous a baby as she is a young lady. :)

  5. Barb, I know. These teenage years are flying. I dare not blink.

    Faith, you make beautiful babies too!!! And you continue to have a baby in your arms. May they remain filled!!!
