
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

First Reviews Trickling in for BOUND

It is so heartening to see the first reviews trickling in for BOUND. Once you release a book, it no longer belongs to the author, but the reader. Readers bring their own sensibilities to it and make it part of themselves. I still remember that when I was asked to write a biography for the first class I took at the Institute of Children's Literature, I ended up writing about the books that made an impact throughout my life. Oh, this is why I wrote BOUND. 

So without further ado, some quotes from those reviews:

"This book was such a surprise, and is food for thought... It is engrossing and well written, with characters so believable that I wanted to keep up with their journeys into the years beyond the book’s ending. Most of all, it is unlike anything I’ve seen in young adult books in many years." ~ VCarter

"This engaging story is a sensitive treatment of prolife themes including abortion, end-of-life issues, and eugenics. Appropriate for teenagers, this would make an excellent classroom read." ~BarbS

"I loved the way Rebecca's ideas and ideologies change as her character develops in the story--without a touch of preachiness, the author is able to present both sides of many difficult topics that the characters encounter. Look no further if you're interested in reading a story as diverse in its ideas as in its characters." ~ Faith

"Bound is the best fictional book I’ve read in a long time. The author wove a plot that kept me guessing until the end... I highly recommend it, especially for book clubs because it will ignite lively discussions." ~ Janeen

"The author helps us explore the most significant battle of our time – upholding the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. We are privileged to witness this struggle through the eyes and culture of an immigrant family from India." ~ MichaelS

Read the full reviews on Amazon. And just this week, the paperback on sale so hop on over and get a copy for yourself or your cat :) They love being read to. Free preview here.


  1. I'm enjoying the reading of BOUND, and my felines approve when they're not envious of my attention ;)

  2. Congratulations, Vijaya. Happy for you!

  3. Mirka, so great to hear this. To have a good book and a cat on my lap is pretty close to heaven.

    Carol, thank you.

  4. Wonderful reviews! You have to be thrilled! Congratulations!

  5. Now these are reviews to inspire you as a writer! Way to go Vijaya.

  6. Sandra, Joyce, Linda, Sarah -- thank you. It is indeed an inspiration to keep at it.

  7. Hi Vijaya, I'm a little late commenting, but I do want to congratulate you on the good reviews! Sounds like a book to cherish.

  8. Thank you Gretchen. It's so great when others *get* your book.
