
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Happy New Year!!!

Hello there! I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday and feeling rejuvenated in the New Year. Max has returned to Ave Maria but I'm still listening to and singing Christmas music, learning to play a couple of new carols. Our tree is up and I enjoy watching the cats play with the ornaments. Cards too. Perhaps this tree will last till Candlemas!

It's been so lovely to have a High Mass for The Epiphany as well. Our priest has been giving such wonderful homilies, I wish I could share them all with you. But the biggest reason I've not been blogging is because I'm playing with a new book idea! Right now I'm just happily exploring, writing down the shiny bits. I love this stage for all its possibilities and I'm clearing my plate so that I can dive deep. Already my crankiness level is increasing whenever the real world intrudes into the imaginary. 

I played Saint Name Generator and there was a bonus of an inspirational word. Yay!!! I got St. John Houghton, the first of the English martyrs during Henry VIII's persecution. He really confirmed for me the new idea I'm playing with. And my word was Voyage :) Every new book is a journey!!! But maybe I'll make a physical one too--India! God-willing! I chose a second word just for fun and it was GO!

So, how's the New Year shaping up for you? What new things will you plunge into? What do you hope for this year? I hope you all are staying warm--the frigid fingers from the North keep encroaching into the South. I leave you with: Hail Queen of Heaven, Star of the Sea. Our beloved Stella Maris. 


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