Thank you, Vijaya!
I’m SO thrilled to be here, and yes, over the moon to be sharing Name Unspoken! I’m so glad we got a chance to connect about
my book. Writing and publishing has been
a long and wonderful road, and it just keeps getting better the more I get to
share it with others!
me, what’s the story behind Name Unspoken? Why did you write this story?
Do you ever feel like the stories in your head aren’t really
your own creation? Like you’d heard this
story as a little kid a long time ago, or that someone else told you about it but
you just can’t remember whom. While it
was just a story in my mind, Name
Unspoken felt like something that came from elsewhere. I had the gut feeling that someone,
somewhere, needed to hear about it. I
still don’t know exactly who or why, but I trusted that gut feeling to pursue
this thing all the way to the end.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit uses those feelings to nudge you along, I like
to think!
Yes, it
is uncanny how much a story itself desires to be told!
More palpable motivation happened after several encounters
with a few (no offense intended) rather deplorable novels that pass for
Catholic/Christian fiction these days. I
remember browsing a Christian bookstore, picking up book after book and
thinking, “These all look the same!
Where is the variety?” This video from a
young Christian YouTuber kind of sums it up, honestly—much of what I could find
was dull and far too unrealistic to offer much substance to Catholic readers. When I searched through the (much rarer) non-romance
Christian books, the variety I could
find was often far too graphic, violent, dark, or dense for younger
readers. So there was this gap between
these shallow, unrealistic romances and those dark, grappling-with-horrors type
of Christian books. When Name Unspoken became an actual story in
my head, I started wondering if I could offer something to fill that in-between
gap. I wrote with the specific intent of
reaching young adult readers who are looking for out-of-the-ordinary books,
books that are engaging and entertaining, but don’t shy away from real-world or
serious themes. All without overstepping
into graphic displays that could disturb or harm younger/tender-hearted
readers. It was a bit of a challenge,
but based on my reader feedback, I managed decently enough!
You succeeded!
I agree that we need stories for the precocious reader. My own two children
fell in that category and frankly it’s a relief when you don’t have to monitor
whether a book is appropriate (they are teenagers now).
long did it take you to write Name Unspoken? Did you have to make any major
structural revisions or did you know the journey Connor and Cara would make
from the beginning and it was just a matter of refining the tale?
It only me seven years to write! Haha, I don’t feel so bad then. Whistles! Super efficient there,
Cadence. (Laughing cynically at myself over here…) The idea planted itself in my brain when I
was about sixteen years old. It started
as a thought about the Jungle Book, to be honest. I started doing that daydreaming thing Neil
Gaiman says good ideas come from: “I wonder how the snakes didn’t get Mowgli. Wait, what if it happened in a different
climate and there weren’t poisonous snakes?
What if Mowgli was female?” And
on and on from there, just little tangents during my long hikes through the
forest. Pretty soon the characters
started to arrive in my head, pictures and personalities as clear as if I was
remembering someone I’d met. After that,
the story started getting so complicated in my mind I began to write it down. I
knew right from the beginning that Connor and Cara were the heart of the story,
and if I tried any drastic changes to their personalities, the whole thing
would fall apart. Within a year or two I had drafted most of the plot and had
almost all the characters named.
After I had started an actual manuscript, the next five
years were spent on LOTS of revisions (probably eight or nine drafts) and many
structural changes, including decisions like what would happen to the villain,
who’s going to do that one important task, or who may or may not die. (It’s medieval times, it was normal for people
to die left and right—but I did want to stay true to how difficult coping with
death can be no matter the era. No
spoilers here though!) But really, no
matter how many events or settings or era changes I made, the life of the tale
lay with the characters. After all, human
lives are driven by human choices, which have less to do with our environments
than we often like to claim. And I hope
my book is a little reflection of that.
must explain to me why you chose to interrupt the story with the narrator’s
thoughts. I have to admit, I was so annoyed, but I thanked you silently for
keeping the interruptions short. And by the end, I even developed a little
affection for him. But dear me, the instructor in me wanted to lecture you. It
is difficult enough to become immersed in a story, why did you risk losing your
reader several times?
Guilty as charged! Let
me start with explaining my weird form of character development—you know how
writers are advised to write extensive character profiles, explore what they
would do in different situations, to prompt them to really intentionally design
personalities? Yeah, I’ve never once
done that—I haven’t followed a lot of common writing advice, to be honest. The characters drop into my head
fully-formed, as if they’re friends I’ve known since childhood. You are lucky! It happens to me rarely and
when it does, it’s such a gift! (I haven’t met another author yet who works
like this… I wonder what went awry with me!)
The narrator Rashah was one of these readymade characters, and he’s also
a reflection of me ignoring the swear-by-this rules for writing.
So yes, I did risk losing the reader by interrupting the
story here and there with a narrator—another author friend warned about it,
along with all the writing advice articles.
In an effort to conform, I did once try to redo the story without this
narrator, but honestly, the tale deflated.
I still don’t know why—just one of those strange things a story
sometimes demands, you know? So I went
with my gut. The pros are that the
readers to get a chance to meet Rashah without giving away central elements of
the developing plot. I like to think he also
adds a bit of an antique flair to the tale as a whole; I didn’t want to date my
book by making it too modern or trendy, and a narrator often adds a touch of
timelessness in that interest.
As for future books, I’m not sure whether or not I’ll
include narrators—really, it will depend on what the book wants. Each one is its own little world, and none of
them will be exactly the same.
enough. You have to do what the story demands. This is set in medieval Ireland.
Your writing is beautiful and evocative and I could picture everything. What
kind of research did you do to bring the place and domestic scenes to life?
Thank you, I’m glad you found the descriptions so real and
engaging! I did about a year of research
to develop historical accuracy. The last
thing I wanted to do was to destroy the setting by talking about historical
anomalies! Sadly, I was unable to visit
Ireland directly while I wrote this book—but I talked to friends and family who
had traveled there on various vacations.
Hearing their experiences gave me an idea of what it felt like to be
there. I’m hoping to one day visit “The
Homeland” and see how closely I was able to describe it!
I tried to make up for my lack of travel with some serious
research. For example, around year five
of drafting, I realized that I hadn’t looked up the invention date of boots—so I
scoured the Internet for reliable sources on peasant footwear in the
1300s. (Such sources are shockingly
uncommon!) Eventually I was able to
educate myself on the wear and making of turnshoes, and used that to detail the
novel. Along with that, I also consulted
with an herbalist about Irish plants and apothecaries in that era. I drew on some personal experience of
shearing sheep, wandering the woods, and Irish dancing. Mostly, though, I read about everything: from
food to architecture to extinction timelines of native wildlife! I would strongly recommend any writer to do
the same if they write historical fiction.
Not only does accuracy make your book better for readers, but it also
helps to immerse you in the world you’re trying to create!
about research into children raised by wolves or other animals? I am fascinated
by how people acquire language. My son was a late talker and one of the things
I was told is that if he doesn’t acquire it within a certain window (before age
6) that the ability might be difficult to cultivate.
Interesting you ask that, because a jump-starter for this
story was actually the historical significance of nonverbal autism. Stick with me here, I swear this will make
sense in a minute! Did you know that
stories about “wild children” or “children raised by wolves” (think Jungle
Book) are based on truth? I didn’t
either, until college! Children who have
moderate to severe autism often lack the ability to speak known language—i.e.,
“nonverbal” or “nonvocal.” These kids
often have feral/animalistic tendencies, are unable to control their behavior,
and tend to run away from caregivers.
Think about that for a second. In
rural areas of the world, these kids could pretty easily get away from parents,
wander a day or two in the wilderness, and end up in a different
community. Whoever found them would
clearly see they couldn’t talk, and what with the wild-animal behavior, easily
could have assumed this child was “raised by wolves.” Obviously, in Name Unspoken, I took this in a different direction, but it’s worth
noting where this idea originated. So to
answer your initial question, learning language is often easiest done when a
child is young, but it’s not inherently impossible at older ages. I like the analogy of adults learning a
second language—it’s going to be a lot harder and you’re not going to be fluent
quickly, but you can still do it.
You work with special needs children! How does your work inform your writing?
interesting. I enjoyed reading your post and seeing how you developed those
ideas in Name Unspoken. I’d love to know how long you’ve been writing and what
has helped you in your journey.
I’ve been writing since I was about fourteen years old—and
that was kickstarted by my mom, who as my homeschool teacher set up a unit
study on writing novels. (Shoutout to
all you great teacher-moms out there!)
With that unit study, I wrote a six-hundred page book in three years,
realized it was absolutely terrible, and threw it out the window. It taught me so much about what not to do, as
well as igniting the bonfire of creative passion. So for me, step one was making an incredible
amount of mistakes! With several
consecutive writing projects, the next element that made me produce a readable
novel was sheer stubbornness. Nobody
told me this about writing a book. You
actually have to sit down…. and write the
book. Over and over and over, day
after day, year after year. Of course,
there are so many other things I could say about my learning process, but I’ll
stop here! If you’re interested in more
about this, watch for my series of blog posts on writing
rookie novels, called “So You Want To Write A Book.” I want to join forces with others along this road
and share resources with anyone interested!
young writer!!! It’s wonderful you began when you did! Everybody wants to know
how to publish. How did you choose Black Rose Writing? I’ve known of them as a
vanity publisher who made their money by selling services to authors, not
books. Nothing wrong with that unless they don’t do what they promise, like
edit, design, or market. Did they meet your expectations? Do you feel their
contracts are fair?
Yep, publishing is the most confusing and frustrating part
of becoming an author! There are
Rose Writing found me through Authors.me, a site that helps you
build a platform for your manuscript and connect you with various lesser-known
publishers. I’d done my research on publishing,
and got offered other contracts with scammers, hybrids, and legitimate presses. (Watch my blog series for a post on scammers
versus good contracts, I’d love to share more of this with you!)
be doing everybody a service.
Yes, Black Rose did start as more of an author-service
platform, which they still offer on their site.
They’ve moved on to become an Indie publisher based in Texas, and a lot
of their books are nominated for different awards and competitions and such in
the Indie world. As for the publishing
contract itself, I thought it was very reasonable—there’s no stipulations for the
author to invest anything but their time and manuscript, and the percentage of royalties
are fair. I even had a lawyer walk me
through contract basics and what to look out for, and Black Rose Writing offers
a legitimate publishing deal. (After
what I’d been through before them, I was surprised, too!) They walk you through pretty much every step
of the process, and do their fair share of marketing. (Although no matter how you publish in
today’s world, a lot of marketing falls to the author anyway, even with the big
name presses.) Sometimes the packets
they give you are a little overwhelming, but it is all good information to
have—again, it’s worth noting that the contract does not hold you to any level
of financial investment into your own book.
I was particularly pleased with what Black Rose did for Name Unspoken’s cover design and formatting—they
really took into account what I thought would be a good fit for the story. And look how beautiful their cover turned
out—I did a little dance around the room when I saw it!
I’m so
glad to know Black Rose is much more transparent now. Did you ever consider
Considered it, and did it!
My first book The Lily Girl is a self-published novel,
which I did with CreateSpace and KindleDirectPublish. It was an experiment right before I published
Name Unspoken, which also began as
self-published. It got picked up by
Black Rose Writing about six months later.
For anyone looking into this stuff, I’d definitely recommend trying a
self-publishing option. You can learn
about everything it takes to release a book, maintain full rights, and still
have the option of signing with an actual press later on if you like. The downsides are that everything is on
you—you have to figure out the cover, the editing, the format, the advertising,
the ISBN… literally everything. It’s definitely
worth the slog, but don’t plan on taking any less than three months to complete
it. (And if it’s your first time
exploring, do KindleDirectPublish and not IngramSpark to save some money.) All that while, don’t stop querying
publishers at the same time. It’s good
to do both, and you never know when something’s going to work out!
You are
amazing for all you’ve done! What are you working on now?
I’m currently in the
brainstorming-but-have-yet-to-write-anything-down phase of another novel. It’s actually going to be very different than
Name Unspoken! It’s a thriller mystery set in a little
art museum, and I will have to do a lot of research on art restoration, murder
investigations, and post-traumatic stress disorder. I’m very excited to have finally worked out
the plot holes and tied up its loose ends—there’s nothing quite as exciting as
everything falling into place, ready to be put on the paper! Stay tuned.

Besides the wonderful world of writing, I just got married to the greatest man on the planet, doing lots of artwork and drawing, and planning to go back to some teaching work soon, too—chronic illness took away my last couple jobs, but I’m optimistic for the future!
May God bless you and your husband with a long and happy marriage!!! I'm sorry about the chronic health problems. I have some resources for you and will pray for you to be healed. What advice do you have for
Remember: Anybody can write a book, but very few people will write a book. Be awesome and defy those
odds! Also, redefine your idea of
success. For me, success wasn’t publishing
and selling books, but it was finishing the story itself to the best of my
ability. That’s honestly one of the best
parts of writing, to know that you followed your work all the way to its
completion! So take heart, writers, and
jump right in. There’s a whole world out
there if you’re brave enough to discover it!
advice! Thank you. Is there anything else you wish for our readers to know?
Did you know that the winged spade is a special tool used to
cut peat in Ireland? Random history fact
for the day. Now you can impress people
with your knowledge of harvesting bricks from peat mires!
please leave your comments and questions for Cadence. One lucky winner (US or APO addresses only) will
receive a signed copy of Name Unspoken at the end of the month! In the meantime, check out her wonderful blog, full of
interesting research she’s done.
Blessings on your marriage, Cadence. (What a great name for a writer, BTW.) Incidentally, I often feel my stories aren't wholy my own, so I relate.
ReplyDeleteThank you twice over, Mirka! Isn't it interesting how stories seem to come from elsewhere? Thank you for reading :)
ReplyDeleteCadence, I really enjoyed your interview. Thanks for sharing with us some about your writing/publishing journey. Congratulations to you on your book! It sounds like a fascinating one.
ReplyDeleteThis interview was excellent! Vijaya, you ask such great questions, and Cadence's answers were fascinating.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Cadence, on your marriage and your stories!
Mirka and Cadence, it's so true that for some stories, I feel more like a scribe than its creator.
ReplyDeleteEv, thank you for visiting. And the story is both fascinating and well-crafted.
Thank you, Faith. Cadence made everything so easy and I learned so many interesting things.
Evelyn and Faith, thank you for the kind words! Vijaya had some really original questions, I loved them :). Thank you for stopping and I hope you get a chance to read the novel!
DeleteFascinating to learn this little snippet about being raised by wolves. I had no idea. Excellent interview! Happy sales to you!
ReplyDeleteHistory us fascinating, isn't it Debbie? Thank you :)
DeleteThis was a fun interview to read! I was especially intrigued by how special needs affected your writing. I am obtaining my degree in special education at present and I love that you are spreading awareness! Best of luck on your next book; it sounds fascinating!
ReplyDeleteAha, I know who you are, Rocky! Special education for the win!
DeleteOh hurrah! A lovely book set in my country! At last!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for setting it in Ireland - I often feel that there is a great lack of good historicals set here. I really look forward to reading it!
An Irish native found this interview?! Awesome! If you get a chance to read it, I would love to hear from you about what it's really like over there :)
DeleteDebbie, I thought so too. Thank you for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteUnknown 1 (Special Ed teacher) and Unknown 2 (from Ireland), please leave me your email so that you can collect your copy if you win. Unk 2, you will enjoy the beautiful details of Ireland woven into the story.
This was one of the most intelligently written book reviews/author interviews that I've read! It truly is a one of a kind book, well worth the read.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind comments, Morgan! Glad you enjoyed the book :)
DeleteCadence, congratulations on having your second novel out in the world, and a third on the way! And WOW, what a gorgeous cover! I enjoyed your interview and wish you great luck on sales of your book.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Vonna--yes, I was ecstatic when I saw Black Rose's cover design! Thank you for stopping by :)
DeleteMorgan, thank you! So wonderful you loved the book too.
ReplyDeleteVonna, thank you for visiting.
You don't need to add my name to this giveaway, but I appreciated that Cadence has written just about many drafts as I have. Best wishes in her book launch and her new marriage! Exciting times!
ReplyDeleteCarol, it's always so heartening to know we are not alone! Thank you for the good wishes!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! I loved the transparency and found the information helpful and inspiring.
ReplyDeleteSally, thanks for visiting. Cadence has a LOT of useful information on her blog.