
Monday, April 15, 2019

Art, Music, Mass

These are two of the luckiest girls--they're both taking AP Art, the only two students this school year--and what a joy to see some of their work. Their teacher is so dedicated and devoted and my hope is that they never stop making art, that no matter how busy, they make the time for it. We need it for our soul. Thank you, Mrs. Johnson, for all you do for the kids. The pieces below are Dagny's. I remember a story about an art contest. The first painting of a flower was so realistic, a bee alighted on it. The second was of grass so realistic, a cow tried to eat it. But the third, a curtain in a window was so realistic, the judge tried to draw it aside. Guess who won?   
After the Art Show we were able to go for our baptism anniversary Mass. It is the best gift in the world as I remember God's promises. Friday night we had the wonderful opportunity to listen to Bach's Mass in B-Minor performed by the Taylor Music Group. Words cannot express how beautiful it was to listen to it live. I wondered whether it's ever been played in the context of a Mass, but I don't think it ever has. Bach compiled bits and pieces composed earlier to have a complete Mass that his son would perform. Of course, if you added in the propers of the day, Mass would go for 3 hours or more and I think most people would have a fit. But it's glorious! My favorite movements were the Christe eleison (11 min), the Sanctus (1:38) and Benedictus (1:48), and the Agnus Dei (1:57). Such a wonderful way to end this Lent. Blessings to you this holiest of all weeks.  



  1. Dagny's art is WOW with all capitals. And Bach? my favorite composer.

  2. She sure has an eye for detail - lovely, all of it!

  3. I love Dagny's paintings! Happy Holy Week! (I'm sure you know that Good Friday and Passover's first seder night coincide this year.)

  4. Thank you, all.
    Mirka, you must get private concerts when your daughter is home, no? A blessed Passover to you and yours.
    Barb, you too. I was a little bit surprised that Passover and Good Friday didn't occur a month ago with the first spring full moon. I suppose it would've been too early.
    Jan, she's definitely detail oriented and has a lot of patience.
