
Friday, September 6, 2019

A Beautiful Day

We fared well during the hurricane, again. Praise God! There were some dire predictions for Charleston but Dorian stayed off-shore. This is the highest the water got in our backyard (still less than with Irma or Matthew) and later the wind was against the tide. I have a feeling coastal NC didn't fare as well given how much closer the eyewall was. Praying for them.

Today it's sunny and beautiful, a great day to clean up--lots of downed trees but I don't see much structural damage on my walk. I did meet a neighbor who is celebrating his 80th birthday! So is a dear family member!

He used to have a good friend who became a Rabbi and I often think and pray for our Jewish brethren because Salvation is from the Jews. I love what St. Augustine and other Church Fathers said: The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New. The New is not meant to replace the Old, rather it brings into full light the hidden meaning and signs that foreshadow God's plan of redemption through His Son, Christ Jesus.

Today is also first Friday, a special day devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I wrote this Gospel meditation without realizing it was even a Friday. I was sooooo thankful to be able to hear Mass. Our beautiful little church suffered no damage. 


  1. You were on my mind. Very glad to read this: the calm AFTER the storm.

  2. Yes, it's always beautiful after.

  3. I'm so glad you escaped much damage!

  4. Barb, we are all so blessed here.

  5. Here in Nova Scotia, we were without power for almost 6 days in our neighborhood. Found out how deeply attached to Google I really am. We spent a lot of time in coffee shops that did have power:) But, yes. The following day was beautiful and sunny, as seems to happen with these things.

  6. Goodness Jan, that's a long time to be without power. Some of our friends who are in a more rural area were without power for 5 days but we didn't find out until Sunday eve Mass. I always find it fascinating how we all come together during such times.

  7. So beautiful, and I'm very glad you're safe and sound!!
