
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Faith of our Fathers

How grateful I am for the gift of faith. It never ceases to amaze me how God works in our lives, how much He loves us even though we are terrible and are constantly offending Him. He gives us not a second, or third chance, but a thousand chances to amend our lives. He is the most loving of fathers and it is from Him we learn about fatherhood. "Abba!" we cry out. It is only in this past decade that I've been forging a relationship with our Heavenly Father and He's still not the Person I'm closest to. No, that would be Jesus--my Friend, my Savior, my King enthroned upon my heart. He came down from heaven and by the power of the Holy Spirit became Incarnate! I often think on this because it's so amazing and especially in the way He came, as an Infant!  

Fathers have such an awesome responsibility because they mirror the love of our Heavenly Father. And heaven help those who don't. I find it fascinating that both of our fathers have rejected the faith they were given and so were unable to give that gift to us. Both of our mothers are holier than our fathers, but all of the children, except two, were lost before they found Christ again. My oldest brother was never separated from Jesus (he died as a child), but the next brother in line followed in our father's footsteps. But I keep praying for conversions because there's a fate worse than death and that's eternal separation from God. I am confident that Max and Dagny will keep the faith because of Michael. Deo gratias! 

Link to Faith of our Fathers sung by the Daughters of Mary. 


  1. You are fortunate to be united in your faith with your husband and children.

  2. It's been a great blessing, Mirka, to have gone through the conversion together. I still remember how worried some of the RCIA team was because we were in church for so many hours on Sunday, staying for two Masses and our instruction, one for the grownups, one for children, but we rec'd all the necessary graces and it altered the course of our lives forever.

  3. What a lovely tribute to your husband! It is a blessing to have godly men in your life. I am thankful for the example of my dad and for my husband too.

  4. Jenni, thank you. We are blessed indeed.
