
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Christmas Blessings

What a joy for us to sing at the Midnight Latin Mass at Stella Maris; it was recorded for those who aren't able to come to church. Our choir director, Huey, and his wife, Tatiana, sing beautifully together and at Communion, Tatiana sang one of my favorite anthems, O Magnum Mysterium, a solo piece composed by Morten Lauridsen (~1:08). And for the first time we sang on Christmas Day too at Sacred Heart. We are so blessed. 

It's been such a gift to have the children home for an extended time--below I post some pictures of our time together. They left this morning to resume their studies at Ave Maria. They are in the best possible place, under the care of our Lady, our Mother, our Queen, who, if we ask, will clothe us in all her virtues and prepare us to be a gift to her Divine Son.

And...Dagny's bunny inspired me to get some faux rabbit fur scarves--they are soooo soft. 

Alas our Nativity is never safe from the cats. Benny has been chewing on the twigs and this year after we moved our three Kings to the Nativity he managed to decapitate one of the Kings. But all's well with a bit of glue :) Despite the many broken pieces, I treasure this Nativity, our first, where many hours have been spent contemplating the Incarnation. May Christmas blessings be yours throughout the New Year.  


  1. Thirty years ago I, not a Catholic, attended a midnight Latin mass as a guest in a traditionalist church. It was a most beautiful experience and stayed with me.
    {Maybe Benny the bouncer should attend mass sometimes? You never know what peace it might bring his kinetically chewy spirit :) }

  2. Trine, they really are, and it feels like being covered in bunnies or kittens.

    Mirka, I love that you were able to soak in the beauty of the Midnight Mass. Even now after 12 years of experiencing it, it never fails to fill me with awe. And Benny, Benny. He joins us faithfully every evening for the Rosary.

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful family celebration. Even Benny was celebrating, in his own feline way!

  4. Oh yes, the feline ways are their very own...I'm debating sending the three Kings back to their Kingdoms in the box :)
