
Sunday, July 11, 2021

July is the month of the Most Precious Blood

Hail, saving Victim, offered on the gibbet of the cross for me and for the whole human race. Hail, precious blood, flowing from the wounds of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ and washing away the sins of the whole world. Remember, O Lord, Thy creature that Thou hast redeemed by Thy precious blood.

July began with the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord and a return to Adoration at our beloved Stella Maris. Holy Water in the fonts, too. I pray that these doors will never again close to the public for worship. We are one of the blessed--public Masses returned mid-May 2020; we were allowed to sing; masks not required--my heart full of thanksgiving for all our dear Jesus is doing for us.

Even though a single drop of His Most Precious Blood could've saved us all, He chose to give every drop. It astounds me that He would do all this for love of us, we who are terrible even when we try to be good. What can we offer but everything we have, including our lives for love of Him. And this is what the martyrs do. This past week we celebrated the martyr of chastity, St. Maria Goretti, a modern-day St. Agnes. She wasn't even 12 when she gave up her life. I've recounted her story before but what I forgot to mention is that she was more concerned about the soul of her assailant than she was about herself. Such purity! She appears in my historical novel and whispers, "Courage!" to me. With her help I *will* get it submission ready. 

There are countless more and I'm grateful we celebrated the Chinese martyrs on Friday because it reminds us to pray for the persecuted Church there. I leave you with this beautiful hymn, a thanksgiving after every Mass: Anima Christi (Marco Frisina) - YouTube


  1. Yes, we who are able to celebrate the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist in person are blessed. God is so good to give us His Son. We can never be worthy of this grace, but hopefully we will live it to the best of our ability.

    Prayers for your successful completion of the historical novel.

  2. Thank you Carol. I cannot wrap my head around any of it. Truly a Mystery Divine. But to think someday that we'll know Him as the saints and angels do brings me joy. Everything here is a foretaste of heaven.
