Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively might be the most important book I've read this year. However, it has not restored my faith in science. On the contrary, it has diminished my trust in our health care system, particularly at the highest levels that issue forth guidelines. From the food pyramid (maligning fats) to the vaccine guidelines, it's clear that our leaders do not care about our health nor the health of our children anymore. They might have started out with good intentions but when new data came forth showing the harm of certain products (like masks, certain vaccines), the data have been shoved under the rug to protect the pockets of big companies who lobby many of our government institutions. It's an incestuous relationship that benefits only them. No wonder health care is a billion-dollar industry. Beware.
This book would make a good movie. It's got dedicated yet naïve scientists who uncover interesting details of new diseases, villains (you'd think these are the bugs themselves, but sadly, it's other scientists or govt. regulatory bodies), and ethical questions at its core. I devoured this book because I enjoy medical mysteries. However, I realize that not everybody is interested in esoteric details or gossip between scientists. So I recommend reading the Foreword and Introduction that's available with the "Look Inside" Feature. It will shed a great deal of light on the current situation with Covid and why we need to fight mandates that have no scientific basis.
I studied microbiology and biochemistry in the 1980s and 1990s and read many of the original papers regarding the new field of retroviruses, pioneered by Dr. Mikovitz's boss, Dr. Frank Ruscetti (and others). The central dogma of information flow for many years was DNA-->mRNA-->protein. Retroviruses have RNA as their genetic material (hence the "retro" part) and they have an enzyme, Reverse Transcriptase (RT) that transcribes the RNA into DNA. Why, you may ask? Probably because RNA is unstable. With a stable DNA template, the virus can hijack cellular machinery to make multiple copies of the RNA and viral proteins and packaging them into new infectious particles. However, RT is prone to making mistakes so this allows for these viruses to mutate more quickly and respond to environmental stresses to maximize survival. Remember, a successful virus is one that can hang out in a population. If it kills too quickly, it cannot spread far and wide. In fact, some of the most successful viruses have actually integrated into our own cells. Some of them are quiet. Others are activated and can cause diseases. Many autoimmune diseases and cancers have a viral component and it's fascinating to see how our genes interact with the environment.
So what is all this corruption about? Dr. Mikovitz found a link between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and XMRV (a mouse retrovirus). How in the world does a mouse virus get into humans? Via vaccines.
That's because to make a vaccine, you have to grow the viruses in cell-lines. Whether or not we used a killed-virus vaccine or one that's attenuated to be less infectious (by passing through several generations in cell lines) you have to realize that what goes into the arm is not a pure concoction but rather a mixture containing other animal viruses, heavy metals, and other nasty things that can cause disease. And the more you vaccinate, the more likely you might reach a tipping point that can awaken a sleeping monster.
We're used to thinking about vaccines as magic bullets. But for certain sub-populations, these bullets end up harming the person and usually these are children. We do not monitor their immune responses; we just take them in for shot after shot thinking we're protecting them from deadly diseases. But consider what an immature immune system is being presented with: multiple pathogens that challenge the immune system and some of these children's immune systems get so thoroughly out of balance, they end up with auto-immune diseases. There's also a link to mitochondrial dysfunction (mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell) with ME/CFS and autism.
During the early days of HIV/AIDS we asked so many questions. Some were answered, some not, but it was an exciting time. It is Dr. Mikovitz's work that commuted AIDS from a death sentence to one that's managed with multi-drug therapy. However, in my naivete, it did not occur to me that some things would be kept from being published. I always believed in the free exchange of ideas--that's why we pursue science--so I feel the same way Dr. Mikovitz feels, the outrage of not examining more closely what we know when new information comes to light. We have to shift our practices if we discover that we are actually harming some people. But there's a lot at stake--pride and money--and even the best of us can be corrupted. And Dr. Mikovitz uncovers a great deal of it. And guess, who's mixed up in all this? Dr. Fauxi.
What we're seeing today, the suppression of data regarding Covid, is absolutely criminal. Scientists in India have been using the anti-parasitic drugs, hydroxychloroquinine or Ivermectin, as a prophylactic, but also as a treatment for patients with Covid in combination with Zinc and Azithromycin. But because this protocol is still not approved by the FDA, it opened the door to using experimental vaccines on an emergency basis. From the beginning, it was touted as the thing that's going to save humanity from what is basically a disease that has a similar mortality rate as influenza. Yes, that was the first lie--that Covid is 10x deadlier than the flu. The next lie was that asymptomatic people can infect others. And on and on... diabolical. And now with the FDA giving its approval to the Pfizer mRNA gene-therapy, there will be more mandates, even though there were no proper controls. All of this is very disturbing. It's bad science; it's bad medicine. And our freedom to live according to our conscience is being eroded. Job or jab? And unfortunately, those who speak out against the lies are shut down. There is no debate, no examination of the data. But thank God for the people who are willing to put their lives and careers on the line, who are brave and I am joining them in this fight.
I've had to rethink everything I know about infection and immunology in light of retroviruses and quiescent ones in our own DNA, how they could get activated. I too have observed an explosion of people with chronic ailments and allergies (I'm one of them with chronic migraines). Although I have always believed that vaccinations have saved lives (and even participated in a Phase III trial for Hepatitis B vaccine) I'm not sure whether people have been able to separate the effects of vaccines vs. those of good sanitation and hygiene. But increasingly, I am concerned that we might be doing more harm by having so many vaccinations. With my own children, I followed the regular protocol, declining the ones I thought weren't necessary because I kept my children at home until they were old enough for school. Thank God they didn't face any adverse reactions but I truly feel terrible for the parents whose children were harmed. I wonder if there's a schedule of vaccinations that minimizes damage.
We are made beautifully with a well-designed immune system that works to defend our bodies from various pathogens. The skin is the largest organ in the body and it's amazing! So are our T-cells and B-cells and clotting mechanisms. But they can go haywire as well and the current crop of so-called Covid vaccines may do just that. Never before have we been successful at making an effective vaccine for coronaviruses because they cause the body to hyper-react when challenged with the pathogen (it's called antibody-dependent enhancement or ADE). I don't know whether natural infection also causes it (in the case of dengue fever, there's ADE) but we'll see what happens with Covid this winter. The advantage of natural infection is that you get both T-cell and B-cell immunity that's long-lasting.
I find Plague of Corruption credible. I believe the science and the documents Dr. Mikovitz has shared. She has great passion and I respect people who are willing to suffer for the truth. May we all be so courageous.
I just finished Henry Miller on Writing and what a joy to read his "voyage of discovery" even as I struggle to write what matters deeply to me. I was introduced to him via Anais Nin many years ago and they both played a part in my own awakening. So it was especially interesting to read his thoughts on censorship. It's almost prophetic. He writes: "...there exists one morality for peace times and another for war. In times of war everything is permitted, everything condoned. That is to say, everything abominable and infamous committed by the winning side... In cold blood, years before any outbreak, they prepare to make others do their bidding; mentally they embrace every conceivable form of horror and destruction, and they set about their business calmly, deliberately, ruthlessly, waiting only for the opportune moment to put their plans into execution." This gave me chills as I thought about the people involved in Event201 leading up to AD 2020.
Recently my publisher for Little Thief! Chota Chor! sent me book plates to sign and return so I was thinking about what's underneath the story and it's this: Question everything! Question your assumptions. And as we learn new things, revise your thinking. Truly, it's a re-visioning. And here I am envisioning the future, with the King and Queen of Heaven reigning! And not a mosquito in sight :)
Only time, as in a few years minimum, will tell if the contingency Mikovits belongs to is right. I'm familiar with her, her arguments, and hypotheses. I'm not a virologist or immunologist, but many things about what she and some others contend don't ring right to me.
ReplyDeleteQuestioning assumptions is fine. Accepting a world-wide conspiracy that would require many (many) millions who are knowledgeable to be knowingly in on it is more than questionable; it's something I, for now, must reject.
But we all have some obligation to learn more and be honest about our real-life observations.
Yes, time will reveal all. Mikovitz' research is clean. Perhaps I studied microbiology for a time such as this. Who knows? It's strange--for the first time I want to be wrong because I take the view of Anne Frank who believed that people are good at heart. But I'm no longer a child and can see the Orwellian world we're heading toward because the public policies make no sense to me whatsoever. I pray you stay well and happy in sunny CA.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you Vijaya. Thanks for sharing this. Still not vacinated and I don't plan to either. Our govt. has gone totally crazy. Concerns me a lot how little by little our freedoms are being taken away and Americans are willingly handing them over. Wake up America.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, Baby. Strange to think how democracy is slowly being replaced with tyranny in the name of science, health care. I feel like we imported not only the virus but the ideas of the Chinese Communist party. Heaven help us.