
Monday, January 24, 2022

Author Series and Marches

Suzanne Detar of the Daniel Island News (and herself an author of Don't Lose the Ball in the Lights and Other Life Lessons from Sports) invited me to kick off the Daniel Island Author Series along with Pamela Brownstein, another children's writer, who is promoting her first book, Low-ku: Haikus of the Lowcountry and illustrated by Tessa Liesecka. What a privilege it is to be able to share my writing journey and encourage others to devote time to the dreams God has placed upon their hearts. I loved this ad that the editor made, especially it's placement right below Snuggles. You can read more about it here in the paper: The Daniel Island News launches monthly author series | The Daniel Island News I love living here--it truly is a community and the local newspaper Sue started is a big part of it. Local friends, please come if you can. This is the first in-person authorly event I'm doing in two years. 

I also loved the timing of this event. My thoughts naturally turn to building a culture of life, with BOUND my small contribution, on the anniversary of Roe v Wade that brought in a culture of death in our country. My kids have been going up to DC to March for Life with their friends and I love that the future is pro-life.  

This year, there was another important march to end all the Covid-related mandates. Many people don't realize this, but the vaccines are either produced or tested in cell lines derived from aborted babies, that the new drugs they're making, including monoclonal antibodies, are made in humanized mice, which require freshly aborted baby parts to be grafted into mice. It's unconscionable that we would sacrifice children to save our own lives. Never mind that the past two years have shown that masks, vaccines, and lockdowns did not work as they were purported to work and can possibly do more harm. Here's an overview. What's required is common sense and compassion. Please also note that studies from India and Africa back in 2020 showed that ivermectin works well both in prophylaxis and treatment of Covid. The reason FDA/CDC did not approve its use was so that they could push the vaccines (emergency authorization). And as this video shows: From 100% to 20%: Video Shows Radically Shifting Narrative Of Vaccine Effectiveness | Citizens Journal, we've been lied to. But the truth is coming out and it will set us free. Pray, pray, pray.   


  1. Enjoy your Author event on Wednesday, Vijaya. I found my solo events terrifying, but liked the few I did with other writers. Lucky you have a community

  2. Thank you Mirka and we are truly blessed to have a wonderful community here. I was so happy to know this wouldn't be a solo event :)

  3. The writer series sounds wonderful. Very happy that you will be an initial speaker. Good luck with it!

  4. Thank you, Carol. I love meeting local writers--there's a great many amazing Southern writers whose books I enjoy very much. And at farmer's markets, lots more artists. Really fun.
