
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Antidote to Hurricanes: A Psalm and Shalom

With hurricanes causing much havoc, I bring to you a most beautiful rendition of Psalm 91 (a promise of God's protection) by Harpa Dei There are more here: Psalm 91: Fifteen musical versions – Art & Theology ( I loved the Josquin adaption for 24 voices. We are praying for all in the path of Hurricane Ian. Nature is both so beautiful and devastating. I love satellite pictures. By the way, this young man with Dagny is Ian and she had so very much wanted to have a "hurrication" to visit him but her wiser nature prevailed. We've been teasing her about surviving Ian :) She's a good sport.

I had a piece on Guardian Angels published in the Sept. issue of Shalom Tidings. Always invoke your angel in times of distress. Aren't we blessed that God has appointed an angel to guide us? The more you listen to him, the more he prompts. Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel--we pray to him daily for his protection. I like to begin my day with a Glory Be to the Holy Trinity in honor of my guardian angel for keeping me safe. I love waking up with Jules beside me; she has the softest fur on her pretty belly. Here she is covering her face with her paws...instead of helping me type. 


  1. Your Hurricanes are our fires and earthquakes. As the Yiddish saying goes, "It's always something." :O
    The Psalms are always a salve.

  2. I wish that we could give you some of our rain to cool and drench your parched land. The fires are horrific. Unpredictable too. And yes, the psalms are truly a salve. I can't help but sing Salve Regina...Mary is a powerful intercessor.

  3. Hurricanes are really big on TV right now. Today, I see that "Ian" is headed your way. You're in my prayers along with another friend in Sarasota. So many things to pray for in the world these days! I know that you are experienced with hurricanes and you are in good hands with Mary and Michael. I loved seeing the picture of Dagny with Ian. They look so happy! Blessings to all of you.

  4. Carol! So good to hear from you. Ian's lashing us right now. Thank you so much for all your prayers.

  5. Psalm 91 is one of my favorites. It's gotten me through a lot. Praying that you will stay safe.
    Congrats on your article!

  6. Thank you Jenni. We were all spared, thanks be to God, but our hearts go out to those who've lost their homes and loved ones. Requiescat in pace.
