
Monday, April 24, 2023

Mass of Dedication

I confess--I've been singing more than I've been writing. But it's all so wonderful. Last week we've been practicing for the Mass of Dedication of St. Clare of Assisi in the church building itself. These past three years we've been watching it take shape on our walks but to be inside this magnificent space set apart to worship our Lord Jesus... oh my! I've not come down from heaven from the Dedication Mass. The entire liturgy is packed with meaning. Truly, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a meeting of heaven and earth. Everything we have is a gift from Above and given that we're made in His Image we can exercise our creative gifts and offer the best to Him. Here I offer just a few pictures.

The narthex has this gorgeous piece showing the important events in the life of St. Clare of Assisi and a mosaic (made locally) of her motto. The Altar, stained glass windows, Stations of the Cross, and many more items like statues come from the Sisters of St. Francis in Pittsburg. I loved practicing (and it is all a prayer) in this space--great acoustics--and so proud of Michael chanting with the small group of professionals. To God, all the glory! 

We didn't want to leave the church after Mass but there was a lovely reception afterwards at Bishop England High School, across the street. The bells were ringing! Just imagine how beautiful it is going to be for the kids to pray here, instead of the gym. All this beauty points to our Almighty God. The liturgy itself teaches the tenets of our faith. It was a beautiful night walking home. Deo gratias!!! 


  1. What a blessing to dedicate a new church. We didn't see the inside with our visit, but the outside was impressive. Thanks for sharing it's beauty with your photos. May you have many Holy Spirit filled services here.

  2. Singing is salve for the soul. Keep singing, Vijaya.

  3. Thank you both for sharing my joy! It is indeed a blessing to our island community and beyond.

  4. My word, what beauty. I can't wait to see it in person someday!
    I often think that singing is good practice in humility for us artists who are used to making more permanent works of art. Singing is so transient, it reminds us that all art is for God anyway, never for us!

  5. Faith, you simply must come down here for a visit. Then we can go to Flannery's house as well in Savannah :) She could see the Cathedral from her bedroom window.

    What a great thought on practicing humility--it didn't even occur to me, partly because people record so many things now, but truly, most of the Masses we sing are not recorded, though recently I've recorded bits during practice as an aid to home practice (pieces I cannot find on youtube, lol). But you're right, ALL art is for His glory. My personal motto is that of the Knights Templar: non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam and I sing it often.
