Dagny has moved farther away from her work and church and us but she's enjoying living closer to the beach with her new friends. I just love that her new home has a little stairway just for fun--just like in the song, If I Were a Rich Man in Fiddler on the Roof! I believe it must be a school project; both new housemates study here: Trades — American College of the Building Arts (acba.edu). My heart is at peace knowing she's in a good place with young women who share not only many interests, but also faith in Christ. It's been lovely to watch her grow in love and friendships and virtues.
Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,

I'm learning all kinds of new things at the library. We meet for "crafternoons" once a month and it's so fun. I get to be a kid again. I'd collected lots of pretty shells on the beach and learned to decoupage them; next, some painting! We're also learning to play the recorder in a group and purchased a tenor recorder for Michael--its tone is lovely, same range as the human voice. Luckily the fingering is the same as with the soprano, only it's twice as big, so he's getting used to having the fingers separated more--it helps to have big hands :) We continue to sing at both Stella Maris and Sacred Heart--it is our joy! I also got an invitation (from one of the ladies in the recorder group) to come listen to her women's acapella group, Charleston Sound Chorus, and since our church choir was on a summer hiatus, I thought it'd be fun. Barbershop has a unique sound. Melody (how aptly named) gave me a folder of music to sing along and I struggled my way through. But such fun! Challenging! I prayed to God that if it were His will for me to sing with CSC, He'd have to make it happen. And He did! All the details. I promised to do my part, which was to practice faithfully. Singing in three choirs is making me grow in musicianship. What's funny is that sometimes I wish I had my recorder at barbershop so that I could play the parts that I'm having trouble singing. But isn't it incredible that we're born with a musical instrument!
Now that I'm mostly caught up with all the talented ladies in barbershop, I want to see whether I can write more productively (as in publishable material). I'm still only scribbling ideas (they just keep on coming) but I put away my historical novel...so pray that I can do it all. I want everything, yes, it's true. Sometimes I talk to St. Therese, the Little Flower, about it because she, too, wanted everything! But she also gave everything, her very self, completely to God. Do I? I try. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Max and his friends from American Moment came for a visit in Sept. and it was such a joy to spend some time with them celebrating birthdays, solving puzzles, discussing politics and religion, making music, and of course, eating good food and drink! It reminds me of the poem by Hilaire Belloc:Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
There’s always laughter and good red wine.
At least I’ve always found it so.
Benedicamus Domino!
We all enjoyed some homebrew. Michael got some art from Tridentine Brewing Co. and it fits so perfectly with why we do what we do--for the greater glory of God. My motto is that of the Knights Templar: non nobis Domine (and we sing it often). Michael planted a fall garden and it's doing well (the bunnies haven't been able to get at it).
Hard to believe that we're already in the last days (of the liturgical year, but also considering the chaos and evil in this world). All we can do is pray. So I leave you with a picture of the Source of my peace and joy along with some Lowcountry beauty captured by Dagny and Max. Pax Christi.
Beaches are restorative, and I'm glad both you and Dagney have them :)
ReplyDeleteYour summers sound as rich and lovely as the rest of you and you family, Dear Vijaya. I hope you get to do all the writing you are hoping to get done when the weather calls for the indoors.
Thank you Mirka. We are sooooo blessed, beyond all imagination. Deo gratias! And oddly, this morning, the very historical I cast aside is bringing new insights (with the help of a book, Jesus I trust in You), which reminds me that I need to share some of fantastic books I've read. Here's praying for a beautiful fall for all.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your summer memories. The pictures are wonderful. I especially like the one of the lighthouse. Not sure how the summer is over already. Blessings for fall and Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with anything. But because you sing and know some Latin, I have a feeling you know the song I'm suddenly thinking about. Do you know "Dona Nobis Pacem"? I was in the school choir when I was in fourth or fifth grade, and I can still remember the melody. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carol. That lighthouse is off Folly Beach--where Dagny goes all the time now to surf. As Mirka, says, the beach is restorative. I'm so grateful she's so close.
ReplyDeleteBarbara, it is one of my favorite motets--an ancient round (I'm thinking time of Mozart, not St. Gregory). It is the last petition from the Agnus Dei--asking for peace--something we desperately need in these times. I first learned to play this on the piano and my mom, my sister and I would sing it.
I always love seeing your photos and updates. Isn't tenor recorder beautiful? Mark gave me one a few years ago, and it's my favorite thing to play.
ReplyDeleteHow is the barbershop coming? my girls are really into barbershop right now and we're thinking of taking them to the national competition (to listen, not sing, of course) this year. They want to hear a clip of your group! :)
How did I miss this, Faith? Your family is so musical and I love that your girls are doing barbershop. So fun! Maybe we'll meet not at a writing conference but a barbershop competition.