
Monday, February 12, 2024

Charleston Sound Chorus Debut in Florida

This year has gotten off to a great start! Our little chorus was invited to sing at the winter workshop in Florida. Normally, winners of the previous year are invited, so we were just a little bit nervous. But we had 
nothing to worry about--we received the warmest welcome as the newest baby chorus of Sweet Adelines (and had a baby shower with presents--so fun!). It was such a wonderful workshop, learning from Kim Wonders (how perfectly named) and a special bonus for me with some excellent insights for writers (Tell a story! Emotion! Entertain! I ended up scribbling several story ideas :) then enjoying an amazing show. My favorite quartet was the one that performed The Baritone. And I loved the chorus with all the feline costumes--of course I had to take a picture :) They performed The Lion Sleeps Tonight with a drummer and boy did it release something primal inside us. One chorus also sang a parody of Let it Snow! Why yes, we were enjoying 80 degree weather in sunny Florida!!!
I was delighted to see several mothers and daughters together. The youngest was 10 years old and she told me her older brother sings with their father in the men's group. They've got a younger sister who can hardly wait to join her mother and sister. So after we returned home I invited Dagny to check out our Charleston Sound Chorus and it looks like the barbershop bug has bit her hard. She's been coming to Monday night rehearsals and enjoying them very much. Local ladies, this is an excellent time to join as we prepare some new songs for competition in May.  

Above we two tenors have some hot soup at a Thai restaurant before our performance. The other ladies are always so kind giving me rides to practices and parties--it's the other lady in red who invited me to rehearsal when our choir was on a summer hiatus! It has all been "For Good." I believe this song reflects Romans 8:28 beautifully: We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purposeAnd I love that the tenors sing, "I believe..." Here's a link to our debut: Video Charleston Sound 1 27 24 ( bass section rocks! And there's a very funny moment at the end. It took a lot of self-control to not laugh. Enjoy! Best of all, I made in time for Mass at our beloved Stella Maris. Deo gratias!


  1. The "ladies in Red" look fabulous. Glad you are having harmonious time making harmonies.

  2. Thank you, Mirka! I love our sound--I wonder whether we'll sing: I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. Truly, there's just something wonderful about making music together. You forget all the petty differences and work toward a common goal.

  3. Loved this post, Vijaya--so heartwarming and affirming! What you say about music is so true! Aloha!

  4. Thank you Margo. Music lifts my heart up so high!
