
Monday, November 4, 2024

November Saints and More


We have just finished another triduum of Holy days--All Hallow's Eve, All Saints, and All Souls. And it is so very lovely to live this liturgical life. I think of all my loved ones who are praying for us from heaven and we pray for those who cannot pray for themselves--those in purgatory. So many people immediately canonize their loved ones upon their death, but so few of us could conceivably enter heaven directly upon our death. Every sin needs to be burned off, including any attachment to venial sin. Nothing impure can enter heaven. I love this painting of a Requiem Mass being offered for a soul in purgatory, who is now entering heaven (I found it without attribution, so if anyone knows the artist, please let me know).

I can't help but think of my own mortality and this quote from St. John Chrysostom gave me pause: If you knew how quickly people would forget about you after your death, you will not seek in your life to please anyone else but God. So why do I still seek the admiration and validation from men? Sigh. Striving to walk the path of righteousness. It's not easy. Pray for me. 

In other news, I have already voted in the general election--this is the first time I've not gone on election day. But with a busy singing schedule, plus being out of town for a conference, I thought it wise not to wait. Instead, I will be going to Adoration tomorrow. The choice is clear. Ap. Vigano has written an open letter to American Catholics. It reminded me so much of Deuteronomy 30: 19 "I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live." 


  1. I think of seeking validation from others as a sort of check on self. It's not a goal in itself, but a way to gain from a vantage point that is wider and of some distance than our own, and see "how it looks from there." Of course, it echoes our wish to hear from G-d, but we hear it more easily because G-d's speaking is often inaudible to most of us, so we turn to others whom we can hear.

  2. Mirka, you make such a good point about why we seek validation. Thank you.
