
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Focusing on Writing Again

I had a burst of creativity last fall and then things got busy with Christmas concerts and Masses and wedding. All good things. I'd manage to scribble a few thoughts. And just as I was getting back into my stories, I got sick with the worst flu, which I've not had in decades. Ugh. Fever. Chills. Cough. Cold. Headache. I couldn't even read much, let alone write. But now that I'm on the mend, I signed up for the Catholic Online Writing Conference. It's starting tomorrow. I'm so excited. This is just the shot of inspiration I need. And I encourage anybody else who is even thinking about writing to register.

Here are the details!

When: Friday, January 31 – Feb 2, with pitch practice on Feb 3 & 4, and pitch sessions Feb 10-13


  • $65 for nonmembers

  • $45 for CWG members (find the coupon code in the #online-conference thread)

More information at

This year’s speakers:

·        Powerful Not Preachy by Sr. Allison Regina Gliot, FSP

·        Tips for Writing Your Nonfiction Book by Belinda Terro Mooney

·        Instagram: So Much More Than Likes and Follows by Kate Frantz

·        Panel: Balancing Practicing the Faith and Writing about it by Allison Gingras

·        Mary as Muse by Maria V Gallagher

·        Substack by Danielle Bean

·        Publishing Industry Red Flags by Anjanette Barr

·        Incorporating Biblical Themes Into Fiction by Allison Ramirez

·        Newsletter Marketing by Stephanie Landsem

·        Fairy Tales and the Catholic Writer by G. M.(Mark) Baker

·        Why the World Needs Catholic Romance Novels by Gerri Bauer

·        Website Building by Sophia Lebano

·        Panel: Author/Editor by Rebecca W. Martin

·        Practical Uses for AI in Writing by Karina Fabian

·        How to Create a Well Rounded Character by Jane Lebak

·        Spiritual Warfare In Our Craft by Maria Riley

·        Compiling Your Best Writing Team by Caitlin Bootsma

·        A guide to Traditional Publishing by Rebecca W. Martin

·        Unpacking the AI Art Dilemma by Jillian Chapman

·        Panel Historical Fiction by Rhonda Ortiz

·        Great Escapes from Common Pitfalls in Writing for Kids by Sr Maria Grace Dateno, FSP

·        Dialogue Details by Lisa A. Wroble

·        Making Your Story Meet a Need; Nonfiction Spiritual Writing by Heidi Saxton

·        Let's Talk about Speaking by Allison Gingras

This year’s publishers that are hearing pitches:

·        Dr. Sebastian Mahood, OP, EnRoute                            

·        Anjanette Barr, Dunham Literary                      

·        Jane Daly, Elk Lake Publishing                   

·        Karen Ullo, Chrism Press                   

·        Rebecca Martin, Our Sunday Visitor                                     

·        Dr. Joe McAleer & Chris Sparks, Marian Press                   

·        Sr. Maria Grace & Sr. Allison Regina,  Pauline Children

·        Sr. Marie Paul, Pauline Adult

Where is it held?

We use BigMarker web conferencing software. It works similar to Zoom, but you don’t need to download anything. Just click the links that will be provided in your email the day of the conference.

What do I need to attend an online conference?

A computer, good internet, and time.

What if I can’t make it to all the presentations?

No problem! We’ll be publishing the recordings after the fact, so you can watch or rewatch at your leisure. Often, our presenters give us their slides or handouts to share with attendees afterwards as well.

Will I have a chance to talk to the presenters or other members?

Of course! We program in extra time for Q&A as well as chatting. Naturally, private chat is also available—just don’t PM a presenter while they are presenting.

Does the conference really help a writing career?

Absolutely! We get feedback every year from people who have completed their books, been inspired for marketing, or gotten a book contract as a result of their participation in the conference. In fact, CWCO has launched an estimated 50 or more careers since its inception.

I don’t have a book written yet.

Come anyway! Start laying the foundation by learning more about writing or marketing (which needs to be started while you’re writing).Start networking with other authors and editors—often, a book contract comes through knowing the right person rather than a cold submission. Plus, the conference is very motivating.

I don’t write fiction. I don’t write nonfiction. I don’t write religious stuff.

No problem. We cover all genres of fiction and nonfiction, plus the business side. While we talk about how faith influences our writing, we do not require anyone to write religious-exclusive works (in fact, three of the people hearing pitches accept secular works). We are a Catholic conference but we are also a catholic (universal) conference.

I went last year, why attend again?

We have new speakers and new topics, plus the chance to meet writers, editors and publishers. We have people who have attended every year and come away with something new—sometimes, even a new book idea, a new writing buddy, or a new book contract.

I’m not a member. Can I get a discount?

We have filled our need for moderators this year. However, if you join the Guild ($40/year), you get a $15 discount on this conference. Plus, you get discounts on later conferences and on a multitude of editorial and other services—not to mention, the intangible benefits of Guild fellowship.


  1. So sorry you had to go through the flu. Yuck. Glad you are getting re-charged.

  2. Thank you, Mirka. It feels good to work on my stories.

  3. How was the conference? (Though maybe you'll be post about it...)

  4. Sue, it was amazing! I've only managed to watch half the presentations due to other obligations but I plan to catch up this week and will definitely share tidbits after I've processed it myself.

  5. I'm sorry you were so sick! But I'm glad it lead to some creativity. I love online conferences! It's so nice to be able to watch at your own pace as well. I'd love to hear an update of what you learned too. :)
