
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This I Believe

This afternoon, my daughter brought in a packet from John Wiley. "Is this an Easter present for me?" she asked. Both my children know that I buy books as gifts and know not to open packages that come in the mail. Or else suffer my ire.

I told her, yes, but it was for me!

But she was the first to read my essay in a bound book form. I tell you, nothing can replace the smell and feel of a new book! My daughter told me she still does not like spicy food, which is true, but nothing stops her from dipping her dosa into a spicy sambar, just to get a taste.

Reading My Mother's Eggplant again made me realize how much I've gone through these past five years. I am no longer the same person as when I wrote it. Of course, the essay still holds true, but if I were to write an essay about motherhood and legacy now, it would be different. It would reflect my Christian worldview. I am so blessed that the editors chose my essay to be in the book. It was a great joy to take what I thought was a polished piece and make it even better. Thank you, Dan and Mary Jo Gediman. I hope to contribute more essays to This I Believe ... and so can you!

Tonight on our evening walk, I couldn't help but think how I begin my rosary or various other chaplets by first professing the Apostles Creed. I believe in God ... everything else stems from this.

If you spy this book in the bookstores, let me know. All my other books are of the educational variety (for the school and library market) so they are not carried by bookstores.

Please check out This I Believe: On Motherhood. I have yet to read a single essay since my daughter nabbed the book ... 

Happy reading and God bless mothers everywhere.


  1. That looks beautiful! Oh, I can't wait to read it. Congratulations! It must be such a special Easter gift to see your words in print. (Is it still new after that many times? Although I suspect this instance is even more special.)

  2. Congratulations! What a very special gift during this special season!

  3. Congratulations, Vijaya! Beautiful cover and I know, even though you have grown and changed, that your story is beautiful as well.

  4. Faith, Jenna and Bish. Thank you. And yes, the story still feels new to me even though I wrote it pre-Christ in our lives. And there's such a difference feeling the weight of the book in my hands vs. reading it online. It gave me a taste of what it's going to feel like to have my novel published.

  5. It's almost (...) Easter, so I was surprised to 'see' you here, but very happy for the reason. Your mother's eggplant is as tasty today as it was way back.

  6. Congratulations, Vijaya! That's wonderful.

  7. Mirka, I took a break from blogs and browsing, but you'll notice I've been posting throughout Lent. Yes, I'm bad, but I couldn't not share bits and parts of this amazing consecration process.

    Thank you for stopping by ... one day I'll have to make you and all my friends my mother's eggplant to eat with rotis.

    Amy, thank you.

  8. Congratulations, Vijaya. And yes, isn't it interesting to read what we wrote way back when we were other people? Makes me all the more conscious of the fact that sometimes when things don't get published, it's because God knows what he's doing.

  9. Thank you, Marcia. My early writings keep me humble. I am very grateful for some rejections. And more and more, my faith and trust in the Lord grow. It is wonderful to relinquish control over to Him.

  10. Hi Vijaya,

    What a lovely essay. Congratulations on having it included in such a fine book. Can't wait to look for it at the bookstore =)
