
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Write 2 Ignite Conference Tidbits

It's been a month since the Write2Ignite conference and it's nice to have my notes with me to remember a few things. Janice and I got a wee bit lost in Greenville because my directions were not clear. Thank goodness for her cell phone that had a built in GPS because we were able to find our way to the hotel. I had planned on having a cup of tea and taking a nap after the long drive, but I didn't want to miss the keynote, so tea was all I had.

And it was worth it to miss the nap just to hear Kristi Butler speak. What energy! And how wonderful to begin with prayer and being aware of God's call in our lives. The best part was that she compiled a list of Scripture passages so that we could be reminded of God's promises. I will most likely put them on a separate permanent page on my blog. She says she has them taped to her bathroom mirror, and I think I might do that myself.

Here are a couple to whet your appetite:

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Phil 2:13

Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.  Joshua 3;5

Kristi was such a generous soul -- she gave us each a feather to remind us not to let our dreams turn to dust and a river stone that she wrote "Remember" on. Both are in my office now ... along with my stones that say: Dream, Courage, and Peace (I picked out these other river rocks when I went through RCIA). So, aren't these lovely things? I have pinned the feather to my bulletin board to keep it safe from the cat.

And the Welch sisters (Donna and Rachel)  led us into a song. What lovely voices.

The breakout sessions that I went to were geared towards beginners and intermediate writers, and I tell you, no matter how long you've been writing, it is always good to be reminded of the basics. This is part of the reason why I love teaching at ICL so much -- when I preach about pacing or showing or being true to the characters, I am reminded to practice it in my own writing.

A couple of tidbits for you to ponder:

Joanna Lutz Echols, Editor of Clubhouse
Endings should be satisfying, tinged with dissatisfaction. Think yearing.

Nancy Lohr, Editor Journey Forth Books
Plot is what, driven by the so what?

Joyce Hostetter, author of historical fiction books like Blue, Comfort, & Healing Waters
Challenges us to tell the truth -- emotional and spiritual along with the factual.

Some practical advice from me:

I recommend you invest in a copy of Sowing Seeds by Kathleen Muldoon if you are interested in writing for the Christian magazine market. And remember that the consequences of choices the characters make must reflect the Biblical worldview. That's what makes it Christian fiction.

I had such a good time meeting Christian writers and editors. I confess I skipped one afternoon session to visit with Donna. Did you know that together we are a pina colada? She's pineapple and I'm coconut. Grin. I am immensely grateful to Cec Murphy for his generous grant that covered my tuition and for Janice Green who was a great companion for the long drive. We didn't get much sleep with all the gabbing we did ...

I almost forgot -- I won a drawing and came home with a lavender bath spa kit. My daughter was the first to use it! Such a treat. Thank you, Write2Ignite team.

Alrighty, that's it for now. I have a novel to revise before school ends.
Easter joy and blessings to all.
Pax Christi.


  1. It's obvious you had a wonderful time! Love those inspirational passages from the Bible.

  2. I'm happy you had a good and refreshing 'getting back to the swing of things' after Lent. Missed your online presence.
    Your bath accessories prize is a great metaphor, don't you think?
    Now all is possible.

  3. I'm glad you liked the Bible passages -- good stuff in there!

    Mirka -- it's good to be back online. I missed doing my small daily rounds. It's funny how perfect even the bath prize is! I didn't notice until you mentioned it.

  4. I always enjoy conference tidbits.

    I have 5 Scripture passages that I believe are especially for my writing on my office walls in cross-stitch.

  5. Thanks for sharing the inspiration and advice! I've been feeling the need for a good, encouraging conference lately...
    I "tagged" you on my blog for the "Lucky Seven" game, if you're interested.

  6. Marcia, do share your cross-stitched Bible verses.

    Faith, I always come back so energized being amongst people who love stories. That they were all Christian was a huge blessing.

  7. Oooh! Thanks, Vajaya, for mention of Write2Ignite! I'm so glad you came.

    I didn't realize you teach with ICL. Hmmm... want to send a proposal for our next Conference??

    BTW-I'm ordering a copy of /Sowing Seeds/ tonight.


  8. Jean, it was such a pleasure to meet you and so many others from the team. I will most definitely send a proposal!

  9. Vijaya,
    I have thought of you often since Write2Ignite! I pray that God is blessing you richly!

    You were a true blessing to us, the Write2Ignite team with your precious spirit and encouraging words.

    Thank you for mentioning us in your blog!! What a nice surprise!
    Thank you for your dear appreciation for the message of the keynote. I needed your words today. :)

    You are a treasure!

  10. Kristi, thank you for visiting my little home in cyberspace and leaving such a lovely comment. I was thinking about you especially since I made a new page today of quotes. I hope to see you next year. God bless.

  11. We made a good piña colada! I couldn't stop giggling and smiling when talking to you! What a joy! I am looking forward to seeing you again. If we get to take some classes together we will have to work hard at not getting in trouble. :)

  12. Donna, someone will surely set us straight, right? I have a big smile just thinking about the good times at the conf.
