
Saturday, March 13, 2021


This time, last year, was the beginning of the pandemic and I knew Laetare Sunday's High Mass would be canceled because Father didn't call the boys for Altar serving practice. Thankfully I was able to make my consecration to St. Joseph in the church. It was the last time I would be in our beloved Stella Maris church until it was reopened for public Masses again in May. Still, what a long Lent because of the many restrictions to avoid the spread of Covid. I have learned much, chiefly to not trust the so-called experts, but to rely on common sense and our Lord. 

2020 was truly a year of the apocalypse because it unveiled so much. Consider that many world leaders simulated a pandemic in Oct. 2019, how it's still being used to usher in a new world order, and even influence the outcome of US elections. And worst of all, our church leadership is just as worldly, going along with the recommendations that governments impose. The reason we're in this mess is because we've turned away from God Almighty. The devil is having a field day with his deceptions, distortions, and divisions. I wouldn't be surprised if there will be a vaccine mandate, a switch to digital-only currency, and a world where big corporations control everything. And we give them control willingly. RESIST! Let us pray to be renewed, especially our families because as Pope St. John Paul II said in a homily, "As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live." Let us emulate the Holy Family. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy Love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created and Thou wilt renew the face of the earth.


  1. I don't feel I have the clarity to comment on this post, as when it comes to this past year and the pandemic, we don't yet have perspective and there is too much dust in the air to see clearly. However, my take on it all is much less dark than yours.
    Prayer is always needed.

  2. I'm glad you feel optimistic. I do too, because my hope lies in our Lord, not worldly schemes, but we will suffer in a world that's gone mad. Come Lord Jesus! Save us!

  3. It's been a rough year, for sure, but God is so good to keep His arms around us through everything. It certainly concerns me that there seems to be a widespread encouragement to obey without thinking or questioning--when you have the truth, questions and doubts should be encouraged, since they can only serve to clarify! But I keep looking for the good, and it's not too hard to find. I love that so many more children are being taught at home and spending more time with their families! We homeschoolers are very find of analyzing and questioning, so if there is a grand scheme it might just backfire. God's sense of humor...

  4. Oh yes, absolutely! There've been so many blessings and I believe Rom 8:28 but still it's hard to accept how much injury we've inflicted upon ourselves and others because we're going along without asking questions of the most basic kind: is this good? Everybody shouldn't have to become an armchair virologist or economist or theologian...I have a feeling we'll annihilate ourselves unless God comes to our rescue. See how He loves us? Unfathomable!
