
Monday, March 8, 2021


Peach blossoms, buzzing bees, honey, German shepherd puppies, and kids home for Spring Break! So wonderful to see young people thriving in their studies, growing in their faith and virtues and having a wonderful time together. We'll see them in a couple of months--this time together is too short but the time apart goes quickly too.

On this first Saturday, I listened to the Parable of the Prodigal Son on EWTN (10 min mark) and the priest gave a wonderful homily on how this is the essence of Christianity. Our God seeks us out, longs to wrap us in His Love and Mercy. This was one of the first Gospel stories I heard when we first went to church 12 years ago and how it resonates because I was dead, but now am alive; for I was lost, and now am found. And I loved the story he shared about Mother Angelica!

March is one of my favorite months and this month is going to be extra-special with three High Masses to celebrate Laetare Sunday, the Feast of St. Joseph, and the Annunciation. I've always thought Annunciation should be as big a deal as Christmas but I only know of one place that goes all out and that's Ave Maria, FL.


  1. I live where it's always spring, but even here I can sense the palpable joy of nature's rebirth when fruit trees bust forth with flowers. I know, so much more dramatic in places that know snow.

  2. That's so interesting that it's always springlike for you in CA. Even here in SC, we have three distinct seasons--summer, winter, spring. I cannot tolerate cold anymore so it's always such a pleasure when it warms up. Of course, the mosquitoes come right after...
