On this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I cannot help but thank Him for giving SCOTUS the courage to overturn the very unjust Roe v Wade ruling that opened the door to abortion on demand. I listened to a priest speak about free will and what it means. True freedom means we have freedom to do the right thing. If you do the wrong thing, it's an abuse of free will. I needed to hear that second sentence.
Abortion is the greatest evil. It is why I wrote BOUND, to make a defense of life using natural law as a guide. But I didn't realize the spiritual dimension until I came across a very interesting testimony about what happens spiritually in an abortion and it is downright horrifying: What Happens Spiritually in an Abortion | Padre Peregrino:
"Abortion is the worst of all the sins because to kill the children still in the womb of the mother, to kill a little innocent and defenseless creature, is to give power to Satan. The devil commands from the depths of the abyss, because we are scattering innocent blood! A baby is like an innocent lamb and without stain… And Who is the Lamb without stain? It is Jesus! In that moment, the baby is the image and likeness of Jesus! The fact that it might be the mother herself to kill her own child, determines a profound bond with the darkness, permitting that more devils from hell might come out to destroy and strangle humanity. It is as if one might open the seals… Seals that God has put to impede evil to come out, but that, for every abortion, it opens… And so horrible larvae come out, so that there are more and more devils…
They come out to chase and persecute humanity, and then make us slaves of the flesh, of sin, of all the bad things that we see, and we will see always more. It is as if we might give the key of hell to the devils, to let them escape. And so escape more devils, of prostitution, of sexual aberrations, of Satanism, of atheism, of suicide, of indifference… Of all the evils that we see around us. And the world is getting worse every day… Think how many babies are killed every day: it is all a triumph of the evil one! That you might know that for the price of this innocent blood, the number of devils outside of hell grows; they circulate freely in our midst! Let us take shelter!"
Let us take shelter in the Heart of Jesus, opened for us to save us. May the triumphant Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved, blessed and glorified forever! My hope is that just like we are healing from the sins of slavery by abolishing it, that we can now begin to heal as a nation from the sin of abortion. My heart sings non nobis Domine!
Build an oratory within yourself; and there have Jesus on the altar of your heart. ~ St. Paul of the Cross
It is also the Feast of St. John the Baptist, who was sanctified in the womb of his mother Elizabeth at the Feast of the Visitation.
Bound was a beautiful book. I felt it portrayed both sides of the issue fairly and reasonably. I hope people will now be able to dialog fairly, reasonably, and peacefully so all may understand the value of life at all stages.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carol. I wanted to explore abortion from various angles, but especially the ones we use for justifying it. Now the issue goes back to the states to decide what they will allow. Just a hundred years ago, it wasn't legal anywhere in the world. We've sunk awfully low. But God's mercy goes deeper. Praise the Lord!
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this. In Jesus I find refuge. Where would we be without His Mercy. This day is so special seeing this victory at the SCOTUS. This is just a beginnng. So much still to do but so grateful. This is no random occurance. God plan and the time He implements it is all carefully put together. For it to happen on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and also on the feast of St. John the Baptist's nativity is amazing. 2000+ years ago John from inside Elezabeth's womb was able to sense Jesus in Mary's womb (who was probably a 2 week embryo) and leap with joy. Imagine that. Science is just figuring that out now. I so wish my own faith was stronger and deeper in my 20's that I could have chosen life then. Jesus have mercy on me.
ReplyDeleteI agree Baby--there are no coincidences. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is all about Mercy! His Heart opened for us sinners by St. Longinus. I love that in the Anima Christi we sing to be hidden in His Wounds and where better than His Heart? God bless you and your little one, who is now interceding for us.
ReplyDeleteI need to read your book! I still can't believe that this ruling happened. It has been an answer to prayer, but I hope as Carol said, that people will be able to dialogue peacefully about this going forward.
ReplyDeleteJenni, I would be thrilled if you read Bound. I hope it can be an opening for that much needed discussion. Our country is so divided just like in the times when we had slavery. And we don't want another civil war (Lincoln said it was punishment for the sin of slavery).
ReplyDeletePlease read my post