
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Blessings and Gifts in July

I hope everybody had a beautiful day celebrating Independence Day! Dagny had lovely friends visiting. We had a beautiful Mass. I couldn't ask for much more (except fireworks). We are so fortunate to have had wise Founding Fathers who recognized that we are endowed by our Creator the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I pray we return to our Judeo-Christian roots. God bless America! 

July is also the month when we venerate the Precious Blood of Christ. I wrote about it here last year. So grateful to be able to go to Mass with Dagny as she begins her Alaskan adventure on the feast of St. Maria Goretti (July 6). 

It's hard to believe half the year is gone. I thought by now I'd have a contract for my historical novel with a mere two queries but I'm relieved I've only received a rejection so far. The story needs more work. What kind of a writer will work on everything but the story that won't let go of her? I'm starting to feel that I might need to join the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Though what's at the core of my writerly woe is not insecurity but fear. I'm going to lean into my critique group for support and hope to redeem the story this fall. One day I hope to call myself a novelist. In the meantime, grateful to have this writing life and these gifts--near and far. 


  1. I always draft with fear, (tinged with excitement) and maybe not being full of oneself and one's so-called powers is a GOOD thing.
    Love the photos <3

  2. Thank you Mirka. Drafting is the hardest part for me--so I find it strange and unsettling that getting ready to get a story out into the world can be filled with just as much fear. And you're right about putting too much faith in oneself. I need to trust our blessed Lord.

  3. I hope you do join us at ISWG! It's a great group.
    I agree with Mirka. I've never written anything that I'm not fearful about.
    I always think about the people on American Idol who were the worst singers were the most confident in their abilities.
    A little humility is a good thing.
    Keep going--and I hope your critique group is a great help!

  4. Thank you, Jenni. I need this encouragement. And ISWG :)
