
Thursday, December 12, 2024


I finally got some holders for our tapered Advent candles and it's hard to believe how quickly time is marching on. Next weekend will be Gaudete Sunday--Rejoice! Last year our beloved Stella Maris got flooded that Sunday morning so evening High Mass was canceled. But with many helping hands, the church was readied for Christmas! It was the shortest Advent too, with Christmas falling on a Monday.

We've had a busy Advent so far with recorder and barbershop concerts, getting together with friends, most special treat, going to The Messiah by George Frederich Handel right here at St. Clare of Assisi. It was so lovely to be able to walk to church to listen to the production by the Charleston Symphony. Simply beautiful! 

And just when I thought I cannot add another thing to do, I'm finding it extraordinary how the Lord draws me ever closer to Himself. These retreats finally became available (I'd wanted to do them in the summer) and I also know that the Lord's timing is always perfect, so I'm taking the time to do this now and I am so grateful: The Path to Healing Our Broken Hearts - Oblates of the Virgin Mary Perhaps you too need to make a retreat. And when you're ready, you might want to check these out: Virtual Workshops - Oblates of the Virgin Mary  


Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! It's the story of how Mary appeared to a Juan Diego on a hill in Tepeyec, Mexicao, with a request to take to the bishop. He was reluctant but he obeyed and on Dec. 12, 1531, she arranged Castillian roses in his tilma as a sign that the bishop had requested. When Juan Diego showed them to the bishop, her image was on his tilma. The tilma of St. Juan Diego is displayed in Mexico and there are so many interesting features within it. Including music! There is music embedded in her mantle. Harpa Dei, an ensemble of four siblings, composed the text between Mary and St. Juan Diego based on his account:
 Harpa Dei · Mantle Song (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
 Enjoy! Happy Feast Day!


  1. Beautiful. Enjoy the generosity of the season, Vijaya & family

  2. Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of Mary's most amazing apparitions. Truly one of my favorites.

  3. Thank you, Mirka! 'tis the season to be merry!!!
    Carol, it's one of my favorite stories too...and the fact that the original tilma still exists is so miraculous. But honestly, doesn't Mary show up in all the pivotal moments of history. She always, always points the way to her Son! Gaudete!!!
