
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Adoration of the Shepherds, Seville, 19th century unknown artist


I love preparing for the Christmas liturgies. O Holy Night is one of my favorite Christmas songs. The text is brilliant, giving us the Christmas story in a nutshell. I love that from the beginning it tells us why we need a Savior--because we sin and cannot save ourselves. He loves us so much and He comes down from heaven to teach us to love. He is Love Himself. True Love. A Blessed and Merry Christmas, my friends!


  1. My favorite Christmas songs/hymns are Oh, Holy Night (the one you posted :) ) and Oh, Come Emmanuel. I could do without Jingle Bells and On the First Day of Christmas... (forgot what it's called)--- the "bumpety-pumpety kind.
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas, bathed in lights, Vijaya and family

  2. O Come O Com Emmanuel is one of my favorites too. We sing it all the time in Advent. Some say it's the only appropriate song for Advent :) And from Dec. 17-24 we get to meditate on one O antiphon at a time. So beautiful. Thank you, Mirka! It's a special Christmas with wedding preparations too!
