Rejoice! For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. ~ Luke 2:11
Three quotes from the eminently quotable C. S. Lewis:
The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.
Look for Christ and you will find Him. And with Him, everything else.
Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.
I leave you with a lovely Christmas mix from King's College. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Rorate Sunday thoughts on a Tuesday
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School's out and we are having such a lovely time anticipating Christmas Eve with baking, decorating, singing. I need to write Christmas cards next. My kids told me this 4th Sunday of Advent that for the next two Fridays, there is no penance because they are feast days!!! Why yes!!! After a bit of fasting, the feasting is even more special! I wish I could share bread and cookies and fresh oranges with all of you.
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Our little garden didn't fare well this year. We got ONE teeny tomato and ONE tough okra. The herbs did okay, as did the peppers and when the oranges started ripening, I had to exercise tremendous self control to not pluck them and eat them up ... they are soooo sweet fresh off the tree.
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Saturday, December 19, 2015
I’ve done a lot of reading in the past few months and
would like to share some of my favorites. Perhaps one of these will hit the spot for you too over the holidays.
The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings us backto the Garden by Kevin DeYoung and Don Clark. I came across the trailer and loved the art so much, I requested a
review copy. I was not disappointed in the illustrations. They are stunning. However, the writing is
too casual. In fact, quite terrible. I’ve always felt that language for kids should be rich and
beautiful because it elevates their minds to higher things, which is the whole
point of the Bible in the first place – to reflect upon the sacred mysteries. Though the author succeeds in showing the fall and redemption of man, he fails in showing how man's cooperation with God's will works. Mary's Fiat is completely missing. So also the institution of Church. So if I have so much to criticize, why do I put this on my blog? Because it is a beautiful book. I recommend you tell the story in your own words. Trust me, you can do better.

Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism by Scott and
Kimberly Hahn. I guess I’m a sucker for conversion stories. Although each story
is different, the drama remains the same – my heart is restless O Lord until it
rests in You (St. Augustine) – the search for Truth. I’ve listened to their
stories on CDs, but when I saw they had written a book about their conversion
jointly, I had to read it. And it is such a joy to see their love of Christ, for
Scripture and Truth, and most of all their love for each other and others,
through all the difficult times when they weren’t seeing eye to eye. It’s a
good book about marriage and family life too.
Fascinating Womanhood: How the Ideal Woman Awakens a Man’s Deepest Love and Tenderness by Helen Andelin. This book was a gift to me and I
was rather smug when I first started reading it because I’m happily married.
But how quickly I began to see my faults. I gained a deeper appreciation of my husband and it makes me want to be a better wife. I’m afraid the feminist movement has
nearly destroyed femininity and marriage. So do yourself a favor and pick up a
copy, whether or not you’re in a happy marriage, and share it with young women.
There’s so much to regain in our relationships. Every woman wants to be loved and cherished by her husband and the way to attain this is to love and cherish your husband. I think modern women might be turned off by some of her suggestions but I dare you to read with an open mind and honest self-assessment.
Helena by Evelyn Waugh is a delightful historical novel about the journey of St. Helena from her life as a young girl and marriage and motherhood (she’s the mother of Constantine) to her quest to find the true Cross. A richly imagined story.
Helena by Evelyn Waugh is a delightful historical novel about the journey of St. Helena from her life as a young girl and marriage and motherhood (she’s the mother of Constantine) to her quest to find the true Cross. A richly imagined story.
Bone Gap by Laura Ruby was a gorgeous book. I’ve not
enjoyed a recent young-adult book in a while but this one, for older readers,
is beautifully crafted. Two motherless boys take care of a beat-up and broken
immigrant girl. Love blooms. But she disappears. And how they get her back
(yes, it has a happy ending!) from a man too powerful to fight is what this
story is about. But it’s so much more. There’s the other-world, interesting
characters, and other mysteries to solve. The last time I loved a YA book was
Impossible by Nancy Werlin.
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman was the most difficult book I've read in a long time. I suppose if your life hasn’t been touched by mental illness, it is an
interesting journey in the mind of a smart kid who is delusional. But for those
of us who’ve experienced a loved one go through this, it is too sad, even if it brings some
understanding that a textbook on paranoid schizophrenia does not. It is
a painful book because although this story ends in hope, the sad reality is
that so many mentally ill people simply do not get the help they need and don’t
have a happy ending. And you can't help but wonder if your loved ones will get through this ...
Good Discipline, Great Teens by Dr. Ray Guarendi is a wonderful book to help raise teenagers when they are asking for more freedom and privileges and taking on greater responsibilities. We've found this book extremely helpful in curtailing unnecessary discussions that go nowhere (um, we're not going to buy a car for our 16-yr-old and we're not going to argue about it) and also helps us fight the culture of entitlement. Most of all, the book is written with Dr. Ray's signature wit and wisdom. He has other books as well if your kids are younger so check them out.
Good Discipline, Great Teens by Dr. Ray Guarendi is a wonderful book to help raise teenagers when they are asking for more freedom and privileges and taking on greater responsibilities. We've found this book extremely helpful in curtailing unnecessary discussions that go nowhere (um, we're not going to buy a car for our 16-yr-old and we're not going to argue about it) and also helps us fight the culture of entitlement. Most of all, the book is written with Dr. Ray's signature wit and wisdom. He has other books as well if your kids are younger so check them out.
Letters to an American Lady by C. S. Lewis is such a gem of a book. As an inveterate letter writer myself, I appreciated reading this correspondence. What a wonderful man! Always encouraging and sharing details about his own life, the little things! Backaches, tea with his brother, even complaining about the amount of letter-writing that piled up, the antics of cats, his wife Joy. It gave me a glimpse into the man he is, not just the writer of tales and theology, but so much more, a good friend who took the time to write someone he never met. For sometime now I've come to realize that the most important thing you'll write is not a magnum opus, but a cheerful note to someone who is suffering. By all means we should use our gifts to bring beauty into this world, but these little acts of kindness make a difference, one heart at a time, with words written just for that person. A letter is a gift.
Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World by Emily Freeman is a call to celebrate the smallness in our lives, in doing our daily duty with joy and compassion, remembering that Jesus is with us in all our moments. I'm enjoying this book especially since I've had a difficult year and not accomplished many of the things I wanted to do, getting derailed by Harry and my own procrastination, but Ms. Freeman has reminded me it is enough to just be, to start each day anew in doing whatever God has planned for me.
Finally, I'd like to share The Christmas Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska. It's very much in the same vein as the Quiet and Loud books by this team, but the quiet Christmas joy is very much palpable in this book.
Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World by Emily Freeman is a call to celebrate the smallness in our lives, in doing our daily duty with joy and compassion, remembering that Jesus is with us in all our moments. I'm enjoying this book especially since I've had a difficult year and not accomplished many of the things I wanted to do, getting derailed by Harry and my own procrastination, but Ms. Freeman has reminded me it is enough to just be, to start each day anew in doing whatever God has planned for me.
Finally, I'd like to share The Christmas Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska. It's very much in the same vein as the Quiet and Loud books by this team, but the quiet Christmas joy is very much palpable in this book.
I hope there is something on this list that piques your interest. Do share some of your favorites in the comments. I love being introduced to new authors.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Making a Living from your Art
Elizabeth is an alpaca farmer, animal lover and artist -- she can knit, sew and paint! Below are some pictures of her aviation art and hats, scarf, and cat-beds. She can make them in any color and size you'd like. Please contact her for prices and other details. Elizabeth is also a widow. Please support her so that she can continue to take care of herself and her animals. There is more information at Thank you!
To order any creations, call Elizabeth at 865-233-3155 at Ladybug Ranch
Or message her at
Or go to her Facebook page at

Sunday, December 13, 2015
Gaudete Sunday! Rejoice!!!

Max was out most of last weekend helping load up Christmas trees ... and we have one now too! And my home smells heavenly. The kids have midterms this week and I suspect decorating will commence soon. But just having the tree in the house reminds me that it's not important what's beneath the tree (though Dagny has wrapped a present for me with a sprig of rosemary), rather what occurred on a tree ... for this He was born. Born of a woman! O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Here is a wonderful video about the miraculous image of Our Lady of Tepeyac.
copied from Catholic Company: |
Friday, December 11, 2015
Opus Dei Meeting Notes: Examen
By coincidence (or God-incidence) I was well enough to go to an Opus Dei meeting for the first time. My husband has gone thrice over the past two years with the men and he encouraged me to go to the women's circle. I don't really like group activities and was quite content to read the saints and work on my spiritual life with their guidance in the comfort of my home. But an invitation issued this fall and my heart stirred. Alas, poor health prevented me from going, until now.
And what a blessing! I know each of the women individually, some better than others, so no introductions were necessary. In fact, they've all been praying and sacrificing for me. My heart swelled with gratitude. And I think how good it is to be able to work on your spiritual life with people who talk back to you :) And so, I'd like to share my notes, especially if you are homebound for any reason -- illness, small children, introversion.
We began with a short prayer and the Gospel reading for the day (Mt 11:28-30): Jesus said to the crowds: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” This is a favorite of mine perhaps because I long to rest in His arms. However, our leader focused on being meek and humble as a prelude to the examination of conscience.
The examen should be a daily task to reflect in the presence of God how we've been pleasing to Him and how we've offended Him. We're talking about the little things here regarding our daily duties, our relationship with God and family and other people. But in focusing on the little things, we can begin to ask the bigger questions: Why am I here? How can I give glory to God?
The examen requires a spirit of humility so that we can see what we need to improve in our lives, instead of criticizing others. It means I need to stop telling my kids that they're making me lose my temper. LOL. I need to develop more patience. It requires a spirit of discernment to know what God would have you do so that you can follow His Divine will.
The worst enemy here is pride. When we're prideful, we see ourselves as we wish to be seen, not as we truly are. Know yourself. Acknowledge that you're a sinner. I should mention right now that the Jubilee year of Mercy has begun, but one should understand that the reason we need mercy is because we are sinners.
St. Jose Maria Escriva said to bring a "savage sincerity" to your examen. I love this kind of honesty. It is the path to change. It allows you to go deeper, to the root cause of your defects so that you can uproot, burn off, or throw them away.
Have true sorrow for your sins. It's not just a feeling but an act of the will so that you can resolve to do something to rectify your defects.
Don't get discouraged. That's a sign of pride as well, wanting everything to be perfect. Of course you will fall. Proverbs 24:16 say: For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.
Give thanks to God for everything, beg pardon, and ask for help for the next day.
Some obstacles to the examen: laziness, fatigue, routine, scrupulosity, the devil.
I've never had someone point this out to me before, but the general examen is a defense, like an armor, whereas the particular examen is like a sword. You go on the offense. In the particular examen, you try to work on developing a small virtue (ex. being punctual) and try to get rid of a small defect (ex. wasting time). I highly recommend St. Alphonsus's Twelve Steps to Holiness for this. I could read this year after year.
I am so glad this lesson on examination of conscience came at this time. Advent is penitential season and it fits perfectly with doing some of the spiritual work to prepare our hearts for Christ.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Dagny's Drawings and other Arts
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Perspective Study |
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Peppers and a Cherry |
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What's in My Pocket |
Dagny is taking an art class in school this semester and I really love how she is learning some techniques. I firmly believe that learning about perspective and shadows and colors will allow her to express herself more authentically. She made the Bastille Day drawing for her history class (for fun!).
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Extension -- you can see the original cut-out in the center |
I am so thankful we are living in an age where there is more free time for artistic pursuits. I think back to my mother's life, and most of it was a struggle just for survival, yet, she too made art. She sewed all our clothes, and not just functional clothes, but pretty dresses with puffed sleeves or a little lace trim around the neckline. She knitted not just serviceable sweaters, but made honeycomb patterns or a cable design, and she could do this while carrying on a conversation. My mother would never have thought of herself as an artist; she was much too practical. Yet, she was an artist. She sang while cooking or cleaning, made the most delicious curries (even though at the time I didn't appreciate it) and I could always bring a request for a special design on my sweater. And my mom managed to create beauty with what little we had. Visiting with my sister brought back so many memories.
Dagny propels me to make more art in the home -- she's the chief decorator! I often don't have energy to do the fun things we used to do, but she takes it upon herself. This Halloween, our front porch was attractive because of the pumpkin she carved and the candles that she lit. I am looking forward to decorating our Christmas tree with her.
This photograph is something of the hidden lives of my children. They were off and about on their own ... and it looks like Dagny took the photo because Max was driving. I love it.
PS: The title of this post reminds me of a short sci-fi story I wrote for little kids a few years back: Dagny's Drawing. I should try to find a home for it. My kids no longer appreciate appropriating their names for stories ... oh, how quickly they grow up. It seems like just yesterday they were editing my stories, replacing the main character's name with their own.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
A Conversation with Gretchen Everin

First, please tell me your background? I always find the
journey to writing itself interesting.
I grew up in the Midwest and dreamed of becoming a school choir
director. (Really, I just wanted a way to sing in harmony every day.)
Alas, my Music Education major fizzled out early during Freshman year when I
discovered that students were required to solo on command during Italian
Diction class. Way too insecure for that, I did the next best thing, which was
to get my degree in Elementary Education and take as many music electives as my
schedule would allow.
Me too! About the music electives.
After college, I moved to New England for a year of volunteer
work with Chi Rho Catholic Service Corps. Providentially, I was placed in an
inner-city school as the librarian and music teacher. What a dream! When my
stint ended, I stayed in the area and worked as a classroom teacher, never
missing the opportunity to integrate music and children’s picture books into
the lessons – even with older students! Then I got married, had my first child,
and became a stay-at-home mom.
And I suspect that's when you started writing, right?
On a whim, I wrote my first manuscript in 2005. The story makes
me cringe now, but the experience of writing it was life-changing. Truly.
Afterward, the stories poured out of me. I couldn’t write enough.
Then I read Harold Underdown’s invaluable book - THE COMPLETE
edition - and became a regular visitor to his and Verla Kay’s websites. Their
wisdom settled me down and helped me focus. It made me want to do more than
write. It made me want to write well. So I took two classes through the Institute of Children’s
Literature, which were very beneficial.
Aha, so we're ICL sisters! It's uncanny what a similar path we
both took. I'm so thankful we both ended up on Verla's Blueboards.
I think it’s quite a coincidence that your book on taking care
of our earth coincides with Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato
Si'. Did you have any inkling of it?
Wasn’t the timing remarkable? Several months before MAMA’S NEW
DO was published, I learned of the upcoming encyclical, and by the time I
looked at it in the middle of June, the opening paragraph had me in tears. See,
Laudato Si was released on May 24. Just three days prior, I had emailed the
editor my dedication, which thanks God for this universe and gives a nod to St.
Francis of Assisi, who lovingly referred to Earth as “Mother.” To see Pope
Francis give that very same nod to St. Francis was thrilling. I even joked to
the editor that we were getting free publicity from Rome!
I no longer believe in coincidences, just God-incidences!
What/Who inspired you to write this story?
The wish list of a new indie publisher propelled me to write
MAMA’S NEW DO in 2009. Though it wasn’t ultimately a good fit for that
publisher, the editor gave me helpful feedback that was used in the current
version. I can’t remember how the concept came to me, but I remember where it
happened: in my car on the way to a doctor’s appointment! I went on to finish
the draft in the waiting room.
Spoken like a true writer!
I have to say, too, that the ideas of how to help Mama were
inspired by my parents, who were “green” before it was a thing. Their example
taught me to do what I can. Most of us can’t get solar panels or harness energy
from turbines, but there are a thousand little things we can do. My parents
consistently made time to do those things. They still do.
Your parents sound wonderful! My mom was
also recycling before it was even a word. I don't remember us
producing any garbage at all growing up in India -- everything we didn't
use ourselves was compostable.
Did MAMA come as a poem to you? It’s incredibly difficult
to write an entire story as a poem. I wondered why you didn’t choose
lyrical prose instead.
It did come as a poem, but I later rewrote it in prose. When I
was given the exciting opportunity to publish with Wandering in the Words Press, the
editor, who had read both versions, gave me the final decision. Being
sentimental about the original and loving to read poetry to my children, I went
with the rhymer.

Thank you. She definitely looks most like me but her enthusiastic, supportive personality is from my mom and aunts. Her dancing is a wink to my dear grandma, who loved to polka with my granddad on Saturday nights (and who always had stylish hair!).
that's so sweet. This book is going to be a family treasure. The cut paper
illustrations are gorgeous. Did you know ahead of time what the look of this
book would be?
Oh, those illustrations! I’m so glad you like them, too! I
first saw the line drawings a year ago and swooned. Mama and her care team had
come to life! Tara Story, the illustrator, told me she was going to add color,
but I didn’t know exactly what that would mean. What I did know is that she
would do a magnificent job. And she did, exceeding all my expectations.
Illustrators have often exceeded my wildest imagination! Love how they bring a story to life.
Illustrators have often exceeded my wildest imagination! Love how they bring a story to life.
Since you and the illustrator are in the same town, was there
any back-and-forth at all?
From the beginning, Tara was careful about wanting to respect my
vision, but I was equally insistent that she just do her thing. I’ve known her
for many years and completely trusted her interpretation. In fact, the only
time I felt led to put my oar in was the day I saw the line drawings. On the
cover, Tara had made my name significantly larger than her own! I insisted that
illustrators are every bit as important as authors – maybe more! Thankfully,
Tara made her name equal in size.
That rings right to me!
are you working on now? Or is it to be kept a secret?
No secret! I’m working on revisions of a chapter book. Waiting
in the wings are another chapter book revision and a few picture book
manuscripts that need to be finished.
Wonderful news! I looked them up -- Gretchen's chapter
books will be published by Splashing
Cow Books.
Writer-mamas everywhere want to know how you make time for
writing while also taking care of a busy family. Do you have a routine? Please
share any tips you have … I could use them even though my kids are teenagers
and sleep till noon.
I wish I had a writing routine! Fortunately, my youngest still
naps, so that would be an ideal time…..if I didn’t find myself filling it with
washing dishes and folding laundry and catching up on emails. Usually, I write
in the margins, grasping those moments whenever and wherever I can - waiting in
the car to pick up the children, during commercials, even in a doctor’s office,
as with MAMA. And although I’m a morning person, it’s never been a productive
time for me to write. The few long, uninterrupted sessions I’ve had have been
late at night. But I can’t do that very often.
If I have a story to tell, I am restless until I have told it.
So my only advice to others is to say “Yes!” to the story. Tell it. Surrender.
Even if it’s TILLY TAPIR LEARNS TO TANGO, there’s some reason it’s in you.
Write it! (Then snuggle with your children and read it to them!)

You all can learn more about Gretchen in the Newport Daily News as well as take a
look at the covers of her MeeGenius books, which are now part of HMH.
I am sure she will be happy to answer any questions you might
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Hoping, Longing and Waiting
I leave you with a beautiful Advent hymn written by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965) and sung to the tune of Besancon: People look East.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Presentation of Mary and Preparation for Advent
I hope you all had a very blessed Thanksgiving. We are far from our relatives but so very grateful for our friends here and the great weather! Feeling especially thankful for all God's gifts.
We pray daily: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is fascinating that the beginning of the liturgical year, Advent (praying for the coming of the Lord Jesus), is preceded by a minor feast of the Blessed Virgin on Nov. 21st -- that of her presentation (not to be confused with the Presentation of Jesus as an infant, celebrated on Feb. 2nd). At the age of 3, Mary's parents give her to the temple and little Mary consecrates herself completely in the service of the Lord. She is, of course, full of grace, and prepares herself so thoroughly that the infinite God deigns to enclose Himself within her virginal womb. Let us prepare our hearts like Mary to celebrate the mystery.
The link has some history and beautiful reflections. Enjoy!
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Holy card, unknown artist |
We pray daily: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is fascinating that the beginning of the liturgical year, Advent (praying for the coming of the Lord Jesus), is preceded by a minor feast of the Blessed Virgin on Nov. 21st -- that of her presentation (not to be confused with the Presentation of Jesus as an infant, celebrated on Feb. 2nd). At the age of 3, Mary's parents give her to the temple and little Mary consecrates herself completely in the service of the Lord. She is, of course, full of grace, and prepares herself so thoroughly that the infinite God deigns to enclose Himself within her virginal womb. Let us prepare our hearts like Mary to celebrate the mystery.
The link has some history and beautiful reflections. Enjoy!
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Presentation of the Virgin by Titian, 1535 |
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