On Sunday, we had a beautiful High Mass for the Feast of Christ our King. It was just a little quartet up in the loft, yet I know angels come to assist us in our worship. I remember how it was this very feast day in 2010 when we attended our first High Mass. I was so moved by its beauty. It was truly worship fit for a King. When we had the opportunity to move to SC, the first thing we did was to check whether there'd be a traditional Latin Mass offered in the area. It was a deal breaker. We are so blessed to be here and singing the Missa de Angelis on this All Hallow's Eve. I pondered how the saints must be worshipping our Lord in Heaven with all the angels. People, this is what goes on in heaven and if you want to go to heaven when you die, go to Mass here on earth while you're alive! It's practice for the heavenly Jerusalem :)

Monday we celebrated All Saints Day with a low Mass at Stella Maris. Afterwards, we had dress rehearsal for Faure's Requiem Mass and it's always thrilling to have all the instrumentalists and guest singers who make us sound better than we actually are. It's a wonder our choir loft doesn't collapse! Our Altar too, can get crowded. I remember when Max used to serve, we'd sometimes have a dozen boys up there and their movements would have to be finely choreographed so as not to trip over each other. Our priest reads the names of the people who died in our community and this year, it was sad to hear how many died in Afghanistan. It is our faith that allows us to keep our sanity and not sink into despair during these dark times. Due to the pandemic, we now have regular live-streaming of Mass so that those who are homebound can join in, so I actually have a link to a recording. It's not St. Martin in the Fields but what a joy it is for us to sing this music. Every practice too, is a prayer.

I leave you with my favorite prayer to St. Joseph and pretty fall leaves: