I’ve been blogging for ten years, yet never entered a writing
contest on someone’s blog…until now. Positive Writer is hosting You Are Enough
writing contest: http://positivewriter.com/writing-contest-you-are-enough/
I hope my entry achieves what it’s meant
to do—to make you believe in yourself and your writing abilities.
You. Are. Enough.
Read those words slowly. Believe. If you have a
desire to write, know that you already have what it takes to write. I know because
this truth has been borne out in my life many times over and I have observed it
in others as well. I’m not a brilliant scientist, yet I foster my curiosity
about the natural world. I’m not much of a musician, yet I sing and make a joyful noise, lifting my heart and mind to God. I’m not
a great writer, yet I have stories that only I can tell, and so I write. I
believe that every deep desire is written upon our hearts by our God and He
would never place that desire without the necessary graces to make them happen. However, we must cooperate with Him.
What does cooperation look like? It’s working towards those
dreams. You want to be a writer? Then write! No time? Steal it. Write during a
lunch break. Get up fifteen minutes earlier. Treat it like you would a lover. No
space? Write at the kitchen counter. In your car (when it’s parked!). Or your bed.
No money? You only need a cheap notebook and pen. You can get a free education at
the library. Sacrifice something else. When people say they have a passion for
something, it means they are willing to suffer for it. That’s passion. So. No
excuses! Remember, you are enough. Take the example of Mother Teresa, who did
what she could, where she was, with what she had, and God blessed it
We tend to be our own worst enemies. We have doubts. Fears. These
are all real and legitimate. But when we make decisions based on our doubts and
fears, we end up choosing the wrong thing. I know because this truth has also
been borne out in my life many times over. I love medicine, but was afraid to
be in debt, so didn’t pursue it. I love children, but was afraid of the time
they take to raise, so stopped having children. I have stories that burn inside me,
but I’m afraid of what others might think of them, so tear them up when they
show up on the page. But I feel the most alive when I’m cultivating the gifts
God has given me, when I write what I believe, what I know to be true, even if
it frightens me. So I’m learning to place my trust in God, asking him to be
with me when I write. Who shall I fear when God Himself is with me?
You say you want to write. Then write!
You. Are. Enough. And may God bless and prosper the work of your hands.

You. Are. Enough. And may God bless and prosper the work of your hands.