Vijaya Khisty Bodach
- StoryMasters Workshop with Donald Maass, Christopher Vogler, and James Scott Bell, N. Charleston, Feb. 2015.
- Sharing our Hope: Writing for Religious and Inspirational Markets with Paula Morrow and Kristi Holl, Highlights Foundation Workshops, June, 2013
- Institute of Children's Literature, West Redding, CT. Book Course. 2009-2012. Instructor: Nancy Butts.
- Institute of Children's Literature, West Redding, CT. Magazine Course. 2002-2004. Instructor: Patricia Calvert.
- Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA., Fall 2000, Spring 2002. Instructor: Peggy King Anderson.
- Western WA SCBWI Conferences and monthly meetings (including Whidbey Island) 2003-2011, Barbara Seuling's Writing Workshop in VT (2005), Writer's Workshop in Chautauqua, NY (2006) with Stephen Roxburgh as mentor.
- Ph. D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. 1995. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Linda L. Randall.
- B. Sc. in Microbiology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. 1987. Advisor: Dr. Kemet Spence
PUBLICATIONS (For a complete list, please contact me at vijaya underscore bodach at yahoo dot com [skip all spaces])

- Reycraft: coming in 2025
- Reycraft: Little Thief! Chota Chor! Sept. 2020
- Bodach Books, 2020: Max and Midnight, Midnight and Baby Max, Max and Dagny, Why in the World?
- Heinemann: TONGUE-TIED, 2019
- Bodach Books, 2018: Bound
- Cartwheel (Scholastic) 2015: Ten Easter Eggs
- Six Red Marbles: 5 leveled readers and 6 preK concept books
- Uncle John's Totally Quacked Bathroom Reader for Kids Only! contributer.
- Compass Media: 9 leveled e-books (Grades 1-5) on
- John Wiley & Sons: Contributor in This I Believe: On Motherhood (My Mother's Eggplant)
- Capstone Press: 6 books on plant parts (Grades K-1); 4 books on graphing (Grades 1-3)
- MacMillan-McGraw-Hill/Time for Kids: 1 book on the Physics of Toys (Grade 6)
- Perfection Learning: 22 books, mostly on physical sciences (Grades K-3/4)
- Literacy First/Trillium Publishing: 1 book, Squirrel Tails (Grade 1)

I have over 70 stories, poems and articles either published or pending publication in: ASK, Boys' Life, Boys' Quest, Bulletin, CatholicMom, Children's Writer, Chinook, Cricket, Fun for Kidz, Highlights for Children, Hopscotch for Girls, Kahani, Kid Magazine Writers, Know, Institute of Children's Literature Rx for Writers, Ladybug, Odyssey, Once Upon A Time, Our Little Friend and Wee Ones Magazine.
Unusual Places
- Bylines Calendar 2009
- First Grade Friends published in King County Poetry on Buses 2007 Dreams Anthology.
- Museum of Science
- Demand Studios
- Double O
- Educational Testing Service
- McGraw-Hill
- Pearson
- Scantron
- "Emergency" places third in SCBWI-Carolinas writing contest, 2012
- Cecil Murphy Scholarship to Write2Ignite Conference, Greeneville, SC, 2012
- "Evicted" is in the top 10, Pockets Fiction Contest, 2007
- "Hands" gets SCBWI Letter of Merit, General SCBWI WIP Grant, 2006
- Scholarship to Writers Workshop at
Chautauqua, NY, 2006
- Scholarship to the Barbara Seuling Manuscript Workshop, Vermont, 2005
- "Driving Lessons" is Grand-Prize Winner in Contemporary Issues: Young Adult Short Fiction Contest put forth by Children’s Writer, Mar. 2005
- "Come and Sit by My Side" places third in Pockets Fiction Contest, 2002

- SCBWI Carolinas: Writing Memoir for Children Sept. 2019
- Write 2 Ignite: Writing Memoir for Children / Writing the Most Important Story / Writing the Controversial Book Sept. 2019
- John the Baptist Cathedral Mom's Group, Charleston: Conversion Story, Feb. 2019
- Barnes & Noble Storytime, Mt. Pleasant, SC, Ten Easter Eggs 2015-2019
- Instructor at Institute of Children's Literature (2008 to 2015)
- SCBWI Carolinas: Magazine and Nonfiction Writing Sept. 2013
- Write 2 Ignite: Magazine Writing / Writing NF / Selling NF, March 2013, 2014
- SCBWI Western Wa. Chapter: Work-for-Hire, April 2009
- Univ. of Wa. Extension Class: Magazine Writing, Nov. 2008, Nov. 2009
- SCBWI Western Wa. Chapter: Write for Children's Magazines, March 2008
- SCBWI Bellingham Network: Tantalizing Truths, May 2007
- Lead Charleston Christian Writers Group 2015-present / PB Critique Group 2019-2022
- Gardening Workshop at Daniel Island Library, Summer 2013
- Critique leader for nonfiction manuscripts, SCBWI-WWA Great Critique 2009, 2010
- Judge for SCBWI Magazine Merit Awards 2006
- Judge for Carnation Elementary School Reflections Program 2005
- Palmetto Christian Academy, Tantalizing Truths, Nov. 2019
- Mamie P. Whiteside Elem. School, Ten Easter Eggs, Feb. 2019
- Class visits at Divine Redeemer Catholic School, 2012-2015
- Class visit at Christ our King/Stella Maris, 2012, 2015
- Class visits on Science and Writing at Emily Dickinson Elem. and Rosa Parks Elem. (2005-2010)
- InkyGirl (Debbie Ohi's blog) Mar. 2017
- Harvest Tour of Homes, Daniel Island, Oct. 2015
- Daniel Island News, Apr. 2015; Sep. 2018
- Redmond Reporter, Nov. 2007
- Wee Ones Magazine, July/Aug. 2005
- Plant Pathology, Bacterial Physiology and Genetics, Virology, Chemistry, Oncology.
- Publications in Journal of Bacteriology and Journal of Biological Chemistry.
- Contact me for a full Science Résumé

- My email is: Vijaya_Bodach at yahoo dot com (replace at with @ and dot with . and skip all the spaces)