I'm still waiting for my kitties to feel the love for the new pup. Today, I rested with the pup beside me and the cat on top of me. It took quite a while for the pup and kitty to settle down but it did happen. And then the kids came home and mayhem ensued ...
Here's a picture of the kitty tolerating the pup. How I wish I could capture the moments right before, with the pup sitting, watching the cat, tail thumping wildly, and the cat saying, "Don't you dare come any closer."

The pup is four and half months old now ... and how she's growing!
Looks like a case of mutual tolerance with puppy perhaps wanting a bit more.
Be sure you have plenty of chews for the pup. All the lab mixes I've known and loved have had this deep need to chew. We eventually found that a good hard rubber ball worked well for one while raw hide worked well for another.
Hah! The pup wants more sniffs and licks ... but she's so good and listens and waits.
Thanks for the chewy-toy advice. She's got lots ... and I give her ice as well. She's teething.
Hi Vijaya,
I always love reading your blog. It was "neat" seeing yours mentioned in the ICL newsletter and that made it so easy for me to bop over here. I hope you're enjoying your teaching. The writers who have you as instructor must be feeling very blessed.
Best wishes on the pup/cat relations, book revisions, kid schedules, and whatever else is going on in your life right now.
My daughter is getting married in 9 days so you know where I'm focused.
Ev, you're a sweetie ... I wrote you back privately.
Somewhere in my stacks of faded photographs I have a picture of my mom's shih tzu curled up with our huge yellow tabby, happy as can be.
They'll find their common ground, and then they'll be miserable without each other!
That's my hope, Ghostgirl. My older cat hated the younger one for almost four months, but it took almost a year before they were lovey with each other.
We just got a puppy too, and we have two cats. Yogi doesn't bark at the cats but he's big and scary and they're feeling invaded! How have things progressed at your end since this post?
Nandini, things are still the same. The black cat tolerates the pup and hisses and spits if the pup comes too close and my brown one (he's 15 yrs old) doesn't even want to be in the same room as the pup. He only comes down to eat (the area is gated off from the pup).
How old's your pup? And your kitties?
Wow, hope it gets better soon! My cats (Sona and Rakhan) are 12 and 13 years old. Yogi (the puppy) is 5months. Best of luck to both of us!
Have you written for Kahani in the past? I know your name from somewhere ...
Time is all we need, Nandini. Some things just can't be rushed. Things are pretty peaceful most of the time ...
I did write a story for Kahani once, but the majority of my published stuff is in Odyssey, Ladybug and Highlights ... so if you like science-y stuff you might have run across my stories in one of these magazines.
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