So here it is -- the raw data all on one graph. I don't know how to make it bigger. But I bet my son probably knows. Try clicking on it. In any case, what the data show is that first memories are typically around age 3-4 and the continuous/autobiographical memories begin around age 6-7. This is where our sense of self comes from. Sorting the numbers by gender, age groups, children's writers vs. not, did not result in any significant differences. My son has learned so much about data collection and integrity, keeping good records, analysis, presentation and of course, memory. We had some trouble with standard deviations, but after a couple of rounds, he got the basic principle. I don't expect him to know the formula.

When I first started this blog, I named it after the original three Rs: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. I changed it to Ruminating because I didn't think I'd talk much about numbers, but I wouldn't have been wrong to keep that original title because there is the occasional post involving numbers or statistics.
I noticed that in the past year I've made lots of posts on religion. I've been told not to talk about religion (or politics) in public, but I can't stop even if I tried. My faith is new and beautiful and I am in love with Jesus and it's impossible to keep Him all to myself. Thankfully, I'm not meant to! So as I grow as a writer and a Catholic, you can be sure I'll be writing about both. I'll throw in a few numbers once in a while to keep it more challenging.
I like the title! Glad the project went well. I'm reminded again how similar our blog titles are (although mine's mainly the subtitle) and smile. Reading, writing, ruminating, numbers, and Jesus -- I come for it all! :)
Oh, I always think of your blog too, and I notice you have a little 3D graph on the side showing progress on your wip!
Thank you.
My sweet friend... I love reading your blog. I love reading about your relationship with our Lord Jesus!
You help me grow in my faith, too. Reading about your faith makes me examine my own.
Be blessed my friend...and know that you are a blessing to me!
p.s. Yay for your son's project!! :)
Thank you, Donna. My mind is always going ... and I suppose my newness shows with all the questions I have. I'm glad it makes you think as well. Recently, an older woman at church read my blog (she's in her 80s and a cradle Catholic) and gave me the loveliest compliment. It made my day.
ps: I didn't think I knew how to delete a comment, but a little garbage can showed up when I said I'd like to leave a comment. Phew! So it's done.
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