My son had his essay chosen for display at school. It was on community. He wrote about baseball, family and church, how great it is to belong and lift each other up. But he was also very honest. That it's difficult when you want to do your own thing and cannot, because you have a responsibility to your community. He's always had this ability to see both sides of the coin, from the time he was a small boy. He's got an old soul. I am so glad we can send him to a Catholic school now. I like that everything is taught through that lens, whether it's literature or science.
It reminds me so much of my own family and writing, how much writing came to me via the family and yet there are days I get no time to write because of all the responsibilities. It is a struggle. But I would have nothing worthwhile to say without my family. And nothing at all, without God.
Congrats to your son, and Amen to your message, Vijaya!
Oh my, he's looking so grown up Vijaya...and so much like you!
Good for him! And he's such a cute boy. :)
Jane, Bish and Marcia, Thank You. He's growing up so fast. Taller than me already. Do you notice he's got the two kittens with him?
Handsome - and it sounds like very smart and thoughtful too.
AMEN! I love this post. The picture is fabulous. What a responsible and caring young man you are raising!
I've missed you, too - I'm sorry I've not been here in a while. I hope to remedy the situation over the next few weeks.
This was a good post to come back to - and a reminder I needed!
Nancy, thank you. It's those glasses, no?
Donna, thanks for coming back. He is growing up beautifully -- both in body and soul.
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