This was a very special weekend, not just because it was the feast of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, but also because five new men joined the royal priesthood. We are so blessed to be able to attend. Here is Dwight Peter Lewis, entering the sanctuary of St. James Cathedral.
The heart of the ceremony is the laying on of hands. The bishop anoints the hands and blesses the men and the priests in attendance (over a hundred?) shower their blessings upon the newly ordained. The lay faithful pray.

Today, Pentecost Sunday, Father Dwight celebrated his first Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Parish. He said, "If the priest is on fire, the people feel the heat!" Oh, yeah!
Come Holy Spirit! Fill our hearts. Enkindle in us, the fire of Your love.

A head of the household is responsible for his whole family. A priest is responsible for leading his entire flock to God. It's a tough job, often thankless. But if you are called, what will you say?
Thy will be done. Amen!
God bless you always, Father.
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