15. And when you are in love ... Adoration.
I am really, really excited about is Adoration right here on the island. I know many parishes have perpetual Adoration, but the nearest one is a quite a drive away, so to have Adoration right here within walking distance is a great joy to me. We prayed and prayed for a parish here on the island and the Lord answered our prayers. St. Clare of Assisi is America's newest parish and Fr. West is a wonderful priest (the above Emergency Number is copied from his weekly newsletter). We prayed to be able to go visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament right here on the island and He answered our prayers. God is so good. I prayed to win a book, yes, something that small, and He answered that too in the affirmative. So I'm going to be bold and pray that St. Clare will eventually have perpetual Adoration as well. All it takes is a commitment to spend an hour to spend with Jesus. Often, it's the best hour of all. I know of a small community in Beaufort that has perpetual Adoration ... so it's not about numbers, but the committed faithful. It's all about the personal relationship ... but I love the liturgical worship too!
I have gotten into the habit of taking some writing with me and pouring out my heart to Him during Adoration or bringing some writings from the saints to read. But it is such a great pleasure to just rest in our blessed Lord and I imagine He can rest in me too. Enjoy my favorite arrangement of Sweet Sacrament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYnWHbF9k2Y
And all these numbers are in one book!
So true...
Mirka, well, technically a collection of books, but often bound together. Easy-peasy!
Catherine :)
I have placed these Emergency Numbers on my office door, so I can see it COMING and GOING!
Ruby, great idea!
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